Running H/F 1 307
<field id="PureEJBProxy_jndiName"
<field id="PureEJBProxy_providerURL" value="iiop://localhost:2809/"/>
3. Press Ctrl+S to save it.
8.3.7 Creating a Single Action EJB
This section describes the creation of Single Action EJB as the withdrawal
business operation. In the toolkit’s architecture, the Single Action EJB is a little
different from pure EJB in J2EE. The Single Action EJB’s main function is like an
Decorator or an Adapter. Single Action EJB is used to wrap the operation
provided by the back-end host. It can include journaling or message
transformation services as well. Thus, Single Action EJB
should not handle data
persistence as per the toolkit design. The table and journal services are better
candidates for this purpose.
Client operation, invoker, and server SAE strategy
This section looks at how invokers and server Single Action EJB work with client
In a client/server environment, a business operation is composed of a flow being
executed in three phases, that is, a client operation, an Invoker, and a Single
Action EJB, as shown in Figure 8-56.
Figure 8-56 Components joined in the client/server communication
The client operation must know the name of the corresponding Invoker. This
should be stored as an attribute of client operation, as shown in Figure 8-57.
Figure 8-57 Client 0peration should know information about the Bean Invoker
Client Operation Bean Invoker Single Action EJB
Client Operation
Bean Invoker
Bean Invoker Single Action EJB
308 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
Each operation needs a set of data. Data elements are stored as collections
inside the context hierarchy. By simply passing the operation and the name of a
context, the operation can access the data of the entire context hierarchy. See
Figure 8-58.
Figure 8-58 Client operation and SAE have knowledge of underlying contexts
You should now let both ends communicate with each other. The Branch
Transformation Toolkit provides the Client/Server Communication Service for
this purpose. The Client/Server Communication Service requires two specific
message formats to work correctly. To send a request message from Client
Operation, the csRequestFormat will be used. Likewise, it uses csReplyFormat
to reply back to the client.
Thus, the scenario of the overall operation can be as follows:
Using the Client/Server Communication service, the client will prepare and send
a request message to the server for processing. The server will process the
operation, produce a reply, and send that reply back to the client. See
Figure 8-59.
Figure 8-59 The scenario of client/server communication service
Client Operation
Bean Invoker
Bean Invoker
Single Action EJB
Client Operation
Bean Invoker
Bean Invoker
Single Action EJB
Running H/F 1 309
The Client/Server Communication service relies on three key configuration files
to work correctly, that is, client operation definition, server operation definition,
and bean invoker registry mapper.
򐂰 Client operation definition
There are two types of clients, a Java client and a Web client. For Java client,
the client operation definition typically resides in dseoper.xml. Use
Example 8-6 to define a client operation.
Example 8-6 Client operation definition for Java client
<ClientOperation id="clientOp" serverOperation="serverOp"
<refFormat name="csRequestFormat" refId="clientRequestFmt"/>
For a Web client, the client operation definition resides in the configuration file
of a Struts Module in bold font, as shown in Example 8-7.
Example 8-7 Client operation definition for Web client
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<data-sources />
<form-bean name="signInForm"
<global-exceptions />
<global-forwards />
<action name="signInForm"
<forward name="success" contextRelative="true"
<forward name="signin" path="/signin.jsp"/>
<flowcontext contextName="signInCtx" local="true" />
<plug-in className="" />
<final type="forward"

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