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Constructing the Deposit operation
This section discusses the construction of the Deposit operation. As discussed in
8.3.1, “Development paths” on page 248, the top-down approach should be used
to build the operation. The deposit operation uses BPEL, a flexible,
standards-based approach for defining and executing the business processes,
as its implementation.
Start from the Graphical Builder, utilize the BPEL Editor, a development tool that
comes with WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition 5.1.1,
and Business Process BTT Wizard, a tool that belongs to Branch Transformation
Toolkit 5.1, to complete the business logic. Struts tools should be used to add the
presentation logic of the deposit operation.
The tools you should use are described below.
398 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
The BPEL Editor
The BPEL Editor, also referred to as the BPEL Process Editor, is a graphical
programming environment that is used to create and visually manipulate
business processes. Figure 8-132 shows the BPEL Editor.
Figure 8-132 The BPEL Editor
Processes are constructed in the process area (3) of the canvas (6), by dragging
activities from the palette (1). Definitions of variables, partner links, and
correlation sets are held in separate areas (2, 5, 8) on the canvas. Selecting any
activity brings up the action bar (4), which contains a series of icons related to
the activity, including adding Fault Handlers. The details area (7) below the
canvas provides the means for configuring the currently selected activity.
For more information about BPEL, refer to the IBM Redbook WebSphere
Business Integration Server Foundation V5.1 Handbook, SG24-6318.
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The Business Process BTT Wizard
The Business Process BTT Wizard provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to
help you extend your business processes to take advantage of the BTT Abstract
Layer. The Abstract Layer provides mapping between messages and process
contexts, enables the business processes to access other toolkit components
such as CHA. Refer to the online help for more information about the BTT
Abstract Layer.
The Business Process BTT Wizard helps you customize the business process
code or the BPEL files, from the following aspects:
򐂰 Specifying the CHA context associated with the business process.
򐂰 Specifying the process type, that is, general process, login process, or logout
򐂰 Specifying the mapping relationship between CHA contexts and process
򐂰 Specifying external snippet classes for the business process.
򐂰 Enabling conditional navigation based on snippet results.
򐂰 Adding the variables in the process to the BPEL file and adding the
associated message definition of the variables to the WSDL file.
In short, the tool saves you from modifying the BPEL files directly, thus
increasing your productivity while developing a Branch Transformation Toolkit
Setting up the BPEL project
To set up the project, follow these steps:
1. Switch to the Project Navigator view of the J2EE perspective, right-click
BTTBankProcess project and select Properties from the context menu.
2. In the pop-up window, select Java Build Path, and then click the Libraries
400 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
3. Select JRE System Library [eclipse], then click Edit, as shown in
Figure 8-133.
Figure 8-133 Change JRE System Library for BTTBankProcess project
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4. In the Edit Library pop-up dialog box, select WebSphere V5.1 EE JRE, and
click Finish, as shown in Figure 8-134.
Figure 8-134 Select WebSphere V5.1 EE JRE
5. Click OK in the project properties window.
Using the Graphical Builder
To work with the Graphical Builder, follow these steps:
1. Switch to the Graphical Builder perspective, open the BankBasicOp.etee
file in the BTTBankBTT project.

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