Running H/F 1 407
withdrawalServerCtx in the Context Name field. Set remote in the
Context Mode field and populate the Map List field with TrxErrorMessage,
TrxReplyCode, AccountBalance, as shown in Figure 8-143. Click Next.
Figure 8-143 Add context-related information to BPEL file
Note: In our sample, we chose withdrawalServerCtx for deposit
operation since the data required by the two operations are the same.
For simplicity, we reused withdrawalServerCtx.
408 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
c. The implementation class of the DepositSnippet is shown in Figure 8-144.
Click Next to continue.
Figure 8-144 Snippet implementation file selection page
d. Set the navigation condition settings later. Click Finish.
Running H/F 1 409
5. Edit the depositInterface.wsdl file.
a. In the BTTBankProcess project, open the depositInterface.wsdl file in
the package with WSDL Editor, as shown in
Figure 8-145.
Figure 8-145 depositInterface.wsdl in WSDL Editor
b. In the Messages area, expand the InputMessage, and right-click the part
contents, and select Delete, as shown in Figure 8-146.
Figure 8-146 Delete contents part from InputMessage
410 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
c. Right-click InputMessage, select Add Child Part to add a part. Type
Amount in the New Part dialog, as shown in Figure 8-147 on page 410.
Figure 8-147 Add Amount to InputMessage
d. Likewise, add AccountNumber to InputMessage.
e. Save and close the WSDL Editor.
6. Set up variables for deposit.bpel.
a. Open deposit.bpel with BPEL Editor.
b. Select OutputVariable in the Variables area, and then click the Message
tab in the details area, as shown in Figure 8-148.
Figure 8-148 Set up the OutputVariable
c. Click Browse. In the pop-up dialog, select depositInterface.wsdl in the package of the BTTBankProcess project. Select
OutputMessage as the message. Click OK, as shown in Figure 8-149 on
page 411.
Running H/F 1 411
Figure 8-149 Select the OutputMessage of the depositInterface.wsdl as the deposit
flow’s OutputVariable
d. Select cha in the Variables area, then click the Message tab in the details
e. Click Browse. In the pop-up dialog box, then select cha.wsdl in the
BTTBankProcess project. Select cha as the message. Click OK.
f. Save the changes and close the BPEL Editor.
Setting up project properties for BTTBankProcess
To set up the project properties for BTTBankProcess, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the BTTBankProcess project, and select Properties from the
context menu.
2. In the pop-up window, select Java JAR Dependencies. Ensure that the
bttbase.jar, bttfmt.jar, bttsvrflow.jar, bttjdbjsvc.jar, bttjdbtsvc.jar,
DummyJournal.jar, and bttsvcinfra.jar check boxes have been selected in
the JAR/Module list. Click Apply.
3. In the same pop-up window, select Java Build Path, and click the Libraries
tab. Click Add JARs to add bttbase.jar, bttfmt.jar, bttsvrflow.jar,
bttjdbjsvc.jar, bttjdbtsvc.jar, and bttsvcinfra.jar from the BTTBank project.
4. In the Java Build Path dialog box, click the Projects tab. Select
DummyJournal project, and then click OK.

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