434 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
8.4.2 Creating the client operation
The client operation is responsible for performing cross validation of the data
received from the operation view, accessing local devices and sending the
operation to the server. In our sample, the client withdrawal operation does not
perform any extra processes in the client. It merely sends operation data to the
server. The Java view, described in 8.4.3, “Creating Java client using
VisualBeans” on page 442, launches this client operation.
To create client operation, perform the following tasks:
1. Open the Java perspective.
2. Highlight the BTTBankApplicationClient project in the appClientModule
3. Select File Import zip file.
4. Import the BTTBankAppClient.zip file located in c:\7160code\chap8.
If the file import is successful, the BTTBankApplicationClient project
hierarchy looks similar to Figure 8-169.
Figure 8-169 BTTBankApplicationClient After importing BTTBankAppClient.zip
Running H/F 1 435
5. Right-click the BTTBankApplicationClient project and click Properties.
a. Select the Java Build Path list item in the Libraries tab.
b. Click Add External Jars, as shown in Figure 8-170.
Figure 8-170 Import external jars
436 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
c. Add the dseb.jar, dsecss.jar, and dsecsm.jar files from
c:\7160code\chap8\BTT51Jars, as shown in Figure 8-171.
Figure 8-171 Import external jars
6. Click the Create a Java Package wizard in the toolbar, as shown in
Figure 8-172.
Figure 8-172 Create a new Java package named btt.bank.clientopertion
Running H/F 1 437
7. Name the package btt.bank.client.appl and click Finish as shown in
Figure 8-173.
Figure 8-173 New package wizard
438 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
8. Create a new class named WithdrawalClientOperation extending
com.ibm.dse.base.DSEClientOperation, as shown in Figure 8-174.
Figure 8-174 Create WithdrawalClientOperation
9. In the class definition, import the contents of com.ibm.dse.base.*,
com.ibm.dse.clientserver, and com.ibm.dse.cs.servlet packages. These
packages contain the base Branch Transformation Toolkit classes and the
client/server support.
10.The WithdrawalClientOperation requires an execute() method. Perform the
following tasks:
a. Open WithdrawalClientOperation to its type hierarchy.
b. In the Hierarchy view, click Show All Inherited Members, as shown in
Figure 8-175 on page 439.

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