Running H/F 1 447
To build the view that can manage the data, perform the following tasks:
1. In BTTBanckApplicationClient in appClientModule in
package, create a new class named WithdrawalView, as shown in
Figure 8-181, and which extends
Figure 8-181 Create WithdrawalView
2. Open the class to visual composition by right-clicking
BTTBankApplicationClient and selecting appClientModule WithdrawalView, and selecting Open With
Visual Editor. Make sure this class is not open in any other Java editor.
Close that editor, if needed. Once opened, all the properties belonging to a
visual element selected is displayed in the right-hand side of the Properties
view. Select the operation panel, which is now a plain, gray box, and set the
448 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
following properties, as shown in Figure 8-182 on page 448 and Figure 8-183
on page 449:
DSE_operationName: withdrawalClientOp
DSE_title: OperationsView
Figure 8-182 Set name to
Running H/F 1 449
Figure 8-183 Set DSE_operationName
3. You can see a palette of DSE Visual Beans on the left side of the Visual
Composition Editor, as shown in Figure 8-184.
Figure 8-184 DSE VisualBeans
450 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
4. Add an SpLabel to represent the Customer Name field as shown in
Figure 8-185.
Change the name to vbCustomerName.
Figure 8-185 Add a SpLabel to operationPanel and change name
Set the DSE_dataName property from the Context Path to CustomerName.
In the Properties view, click DSE_dataName Item. A dialog box as shown
Note: If you do not have or cannot find this palette of beans, construct your
view using the Choose Bean item.
Running H/F 1 451
in Figure 8-186 opens. Select the Context Path radio button,
withdrawalClientCtx item, and CustomerName.
Figure 8-186 Set DSE_DataName

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