Appendix A. Branch Transformation Toolkit development and runtime requirements 483
A.3 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 requirements
Table A-6 lists the requirements of server side of runtime environment for
Windows Server 2003.
Table A-6 Windows 2003 server runtime requirements
Windows 2003 server side Requirement description
Processor PII 500 MHz or higher
Hard drive 100 MB minimum
Memory 512 MB minimum / 768 MB recommended
Operating system One of the following is required:
򐂰 Windows Server 2003 Standard
򐂰 Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
Application server One of the following is required:
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Application Server -
Express V5.1.1
WebSphere Application
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment V5.1.1
WebSphere Application
For Developers V5.1.1
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Server Foundation V5.1.1
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Server Foundation V5.1 for
Communication protocol TCP/IP
Communication services (LU0, LU6.2) IBM Communications Server V6.1.2

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