498 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
8. Associate the BTTJavaSample project with the server configuration.
In the Servers view, right-click and select Add and Remove Projects. Add
BTTJavaSample, and click Finish.
9. Start the JavaSampleServer.
In the JavaSampleServer view, right-click and select Start.
10.Configure the BTTJavaSampleClient project classpath
Add the XERCESJAR variable.
11.Run the JavaClient.
a. From the WebSphere Studio Application Developer menu, select Run
b. Double-click Java application in the new window, and select Browse in
the right panel.
c. Select BTTJavaSampleClient Search under the main-class
OpenDesktop, and click Run.
B.2 Setting up the HTML sample application
The following procedure describes how to install HTML sample application in
WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition 5.1.1 and run the
sample in one of the test environment configurations. Follow this procedure if you
are running WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition 5.1.1
on Windows.
To set up the application in WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration
Edition 5.1.1, perform the following tasks:
1. Copy external files.
a. Locate the EAR file <toolkit_root>\samples\HtmlSampleBPApplication\
b. Extract the BTTHTMLSampleWeb.war file from
BTTHTMLSampleBPEAR.ear, then extract the \dse directory from the
c. In your OS, create a directory, c:\dse.
d. Copy all the files in the \dse directory you extracted from
BTTHTMLSampleWeb.war to the c:\dse directory you created.
Appendix B. Setting up a Branch Transformation Toolkit sample application 499
2. Create database and tables.
a. Run the following in the DB2 command window to create a database
named sample:
You can set user and password for database sample, for example, set
both user and password as db2inst1.
b. Create three tables.
i. Create a directory called c:\temp.
ii. Copy <toolkit_root>\dbtools\Windows\DB2\tableDefinition\cha\
createCHATables.ddl to the c:\temps directory.
iii. Shift to c:\temp directory and open the DB2 command window.
iv. In DB2 command window, run:
v. In DB2 command window, run:
db2 -tvf createCHATables.ddl
You will see messages indicating that CHAChildren, CHAInstance, and
CHAControl tables have been created successfully.
3. Import BTTHTMLSampleBPEAR.ear.
a. Start WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition
5.1.1 . From the menu bar, open J2EE perspective. Select File
Import EAR file, and click Next.
b. In the Import wizard, set the following parameters:
EAR File: <toolkit_root>\samples\HtmlSampleBPApplication\
Enterprise Application project name: BTTHTMLSampleBPEAR
c. Click Next.
d. Select BTTHTMLSampeBP.jar, and click Finish.
4. Import dummysnalu0.rar.
a. Open J2EE perspective and from the menu bar, select File Import
RAR file, and click Next.
b. In the Import wizard, set the following values, and click Finish:
Connector File: <toolkit_root>\jars\ dummysnalu0.rar
Connector Project: dummysnalu0Connector
5. Open J2EE perspective. In the Project Navigator Panel, select
BTTHTMLSampleBP and right-click Source, and then Delete .
500 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
6. Import BTTHTMLSampleBP.jar to BTTHTMLSampleBP project.
a. Extract the BTTHTMLSampleBP.jar file from
b. Open J2EE perspective. In the Project Navigator Panel, right-click
BTTHTMLSampleBP and select Import Zip file. Set the following
parameters, and click Finish:
From Zip file: <toolkit_root>/ear/BTTHTMLSampleBP.jar
Into folder: BTTHTMLSampleBP
7. Edit the source folder.
a. Open the J2EE perspective. In the Project Navigator Panel, right-click
BTTHTMLSampleBP and select Properties Java Build Path.
b. In the Source panel, select BTTHTMLSampleBP/source and click Edit.
c. In the window that pops up, select Project as source folder option. Click
d. Select the check box against Allow output folders for source folders,
and click OK.
8. Correct the build path error.
a. Open J2EE perspective. In the Project Navigator Panel, right-click
BTTHTMLSampleBP and select PropertiesJava Build Path.
b. In the Libraries Panel, select WebSphere V5.1 EE JRE and click
c. Click Add Library.
d. In the window that pops up, select JRE System Library. Click Next.
e. Select WebSphere v5.1 EE JRE and click Finish.
f. Click OK.
9. Use BPEL file to generate the deploy code.
a. Open J2EE perspective. In the Project Navigator Panel, select
BTTHTMLSampleBP. Right-click AccountTransfer.bpel and select
EnterPrise Services Generate Deploy Code.
b. In the window that pops up, click OK.
10.From the menu bar, select Project Rebuild All.
11.Modify the WSDL file and rebuild the project BTTHTMLSampleWeb.
a. Open
J2EE perspective. In the Project Navigator Panel, select
BTTHTMLSampleWeb and open AccountTransferInterface.wsdl.

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