© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved. 511
formatter service 303
BTTBank EAR project 373
bttsvcinfraEJB EJB project 374
withdrawal single action EJB 376
format settings
dse.ini 288
journal service 360
Web components 325
test environment 210
deployment 214
packaging 75
presentation components
Web container 296
scenario 226
application logic layer 10
components 17
business process 17
communication services 18
database services 18
single action EJB 18
application presentation layer 10
components 17
bean invoker factory 17
Java client/server messaging APIs 17
JavaServer Pages 17
sessions 17
Struts extensions 17
back-end system connectivity 245
base sample application
deployment 209
testing 209
bean invoker pattern 462
base invoker class 462
bean invoker factory 463
bean invoker pool 463
bean proxy cache 463
end-user extended invoker 463
interface for channels 463
book organization 5
bottom-up development 253
BPEL Editor 398
BPEL4WS support 244
Branch Transformation Toolkit 234
additional requirements 490
application logic layer 293
application presentation layer 292
architecture 289
components 293
tiers 293
client 291
components 59
business logic layer 65
HTML client 59
Java clients 59
presentation layer 60
session management 65
development 477
application 248
development tools
business process wizard 37
CHA editor 38
formatter editor 38
graphical builder 38
Struts tools extension 39
events 70
IBM z/OS 490
installation 41
Linux on Intel 484
message formatting services 70
Microsoft Windows
Server 2003 483
XP 481
planning 57
presentation layer components
abnormal application navigation 64
application flow 63
Base Action 60
512 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
Base Form Bean 61
BTT controller 60
complex action 61
configuration 62
exception handling 65
JSP context access 62
lifecycle notification 64
multi-channel capabilities 63
sub-modules/applications 63
tag libraries 62
validation 64
WSIF access action 62
WSIF-to-context formatter 62
creation 255
runtime data management 69
runtime requirements 477
sample application
HTML setup 498
Java setup 494
setup 493
services 70
fully distributed 69
local dynamic 69
local predefined 69
Sun Solaris 487
WebSphere Studio Application Developer
plug-ins 39
Windows 2000 479
Branch Transformation Toolkit 4.3
extensions 83
Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1
architecture 8
application server tier 8
back-end enterprise tier 8
client tier 8
business process architecture
access class 66
Common Hierarchical Area 67
custom property 66
helper class 66
Java snippets 67
navigation condition 68
process initialization 66
process termination 66
State Observer 66
tooling 68
Web service 68
limitations 85
additional requirements 26
application code 22
deployment processes 22
development environment 22
development requirements 24
hardware requirements 23
runtime environments 22
runtime requirements 24
software requirements 23
testing 22
Branch Transformation Toolkit V5.1
building 225
concept mappings
new tools 19
development 223
new tools
business process wizard 20
CHA editor 19
format editor 20
graphical builder 19
migration tools 20
struts tools extensions 20
BTTBankProcess project
adding code 412
business logic layer 153
business process 153
single action EJB 176
Business Process BTT Wizard 399
business rule beans 245
CCI (Common Client Interface) 74
CHA (Common Hierarchical Area) 13
context types
local context 231
remote context 232
deployment 151
introduction 266
views 267
HTML browser 10
invoker 307
Java 10
Index 513
operation 307
preparation 132
server SAE strategy 307
CMP (Container-Managed Persistence) 247
Common Client Interface (CCI) 74
Common Hierarchical Area (CHA) 13
application server tier 295
test tools 241
concept mappings 15
application server components 15
flow processors 15
server operations 16
server side components 16
Toolkit application architecture 15
BTTBankEJB project 376
CHA settings
dse.ini 279
DataSource 259
generated projects 415
Struts Tools BTT Extensions
sample application 348
WithdrawalServerOp session bean 316
view to operation 454
deposit operation 397
DummyJournal service 367
Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) 247
client definition files 137
JAR files
BaseSample project 120
response.res file
BaseSampleWeb project 121
create, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD) 247
CHA context 277
CHA database 116
client 133
client operation 434
context hierarchy
CHA editor 265
corresponding validator 334
data elements 270
Java project 367
format definitions 283
format elements 283
invoker 461
Struts actions 353
Java client
VisualBeans usage 442
Java project
user-defined classes 122
message formats
format editor 280
operation view 445
server 143
server configuration 258
single action EJB 307
Struts module
withdrawal operation 321
Web diagram
Struts module 323
invoker 464
single action EJB 311
WithdrawalServerOp session bean 313
CRUD (create, retrieve, update, and delete) 247
debuggers 243
defining proxy
client side dse.ini 306
application flow 326
Struts Web application
top-down approach 323
form bean 329
rich Java client 431
Web facade
Struts Tools BTT Extensions 320
paths 248
WebSphere Studio Application Developer 236
operation messages 457
EIS (Enterprise Information System) 74
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) 10
EJB container
application logic components 297
Business Process Component 297
514 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
communication services 298
Generic Pool 298
JDBC database services 298
single action EJB 297
startup beans 297
business process 14
single action EJB 14
startup beans 14
electronic journal messages 229
end-to-end programming model 58
Enterprise Information System (EIS) 74
Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) 10
development tools 240
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 11
fixing errors 118
format editor
introduction 280
views 280
deploy code
deposit.bpel 413
deployment 303
bttsvcinfraEJB project 364
RDB mapping 301
RMIC code 303
bttsvcinfraEJB project 364
graphical builder
graphical editor view 383
outline view 384
properties view 384
graphical user interface (GUI) 10
GUI (graphical user interface) 10
host transaction messages 229
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) 11
HTML client 213
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) 11
human workflow support 244
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 11
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) 11
DummyJournal service 369
Struts Web diagram 327
BTTFormatter.ear 124
BTTFormatterEJB.jar 304
BTTServicesInfra.ear 127
dummysnalu0.rar 131
JARs 360
more contexts 279
more data elements 275
more formats 288
prebuilt project 320
service EJB project
bttsvcinfra.jar 361
service Web project
BTTServicesInfraWeb.war 365
toolkit applications
runtime platform 55
DummyJournal service
withdrawal operation 375
J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) xi
J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) 10
Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) xi
Java client 211
client tier 294
Java Connector Architecture (JCA) 74
Java development tools 238
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) 69
JavaServer Pages (JSP) 17
JCA (J2EE Connector Architecture) 10
JCA (Java Connector Architecture) 74
JSP (JavaServer Pages) 17
JVM (Java Virtual Machine) 69
migrated application 211
laying out
presentation logic

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