102 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
e. Save the file.
f. Close and reopen WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration
After you create the migration project, you will find all the related definition files
copied into the category of 4.3 definition. You will also see that EAR, EJB, Web,
and Services projects are created.
5.2 Using the migration tools
Branch Transformation Toolkit provides a set of tools to help you migrate toolkit
applications developed with version 4.3 of the toolkit, to the version 5.1
The migration tools perform the following tasks during a migration:
򐂰 Migrate the version 4.3 definition dse.ini file to version 5.1.
򐂰 Migrate the version 4.3 dse data definition files to version 5.1 requirements,
including dsectx.xml context definitions, dsedata.xml data definitions,
dsefmt.xml formatter definitions, dsetype.xml type definitions, dsesrvce.xml
service definitions, and so on.
򐂰 Generate the corresponding runtime code, including business processes,
Java snippets, Single Action EJBs, and so on. These taskscode includes:
Migrating the server operations to Single Action EJBs or business
processes if WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition
is used. After you complete the process, the migration tool will generate
invokers (Java code), and Single Action EJBs or business processes.
Migrating the flow processes to business process if WebSphere Studio
Application Developer Integration Edition is used. After you complete the
process, the migration tool will generate the BPEL file and invoker (Java
Migrating the screen flow to Struts extensions. After you complete the
process, the migration tool will generate the Struts config file, Web
diagram (.gph file), and migrated JSPs.
Migrating self-definition files, if any, as well as the Struts config file, Web
diagram (.gph file), and migrated JSPs?). Also, the definitions of the
Note: You must restart WebSphere Studio Application Developer
Integration Edition if you change any content in the Branch
Transformation Toolkit external files.

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