144 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
5.5.2 Creating the domain policy at the EWLM Control Center
You are now ready to start the implementation of the domain policy. We assume that you
already understand how to create domain policy; therefore, this section does not describe
how to do it screen-by-screen. Refer to “Building a domain policy” on page 92 for a detailed
description of the steps to create a domain policy.
5.6 Verification
In this phase, we verify our new domain policy and defined service policy.
Before you deploy a new domain policy into your production environment, you have to verify
that there is no mistake or error in your domain policy. Possible mistakes are often found at:
򐂰 Work request classification
򐂰 Service class definition
When all the following steps are completed successfully, you can use the EWLM monitoring
and reporting functions.
5.6.1 Verifying transaction request classification filters
There may be some mistakes in your classification filter no matter how carefully you
implemented it. EWLM does not provide a tool to show what transaction request is classified
to what transaction class, thus you have to check manually using the EWLM Control Center.
Our verification steps are follows:
1. Run the workload again.
2. Review classification result using Transaction Classes monitor.
3. Redefine the classification filter.
Run the workload again
We run the workload to Trade3 and Plants by WebSphere again using WebSphere Studio
Workload Simulator for z/OS and OS/390. We use the same workload for this step that we
described in “Identifying an edge server of the work request” on page 128.
Review classification result using Transaction Classes monitor
Next, we review the Transaction Classes monitor to verify our classification filter. To see the
1. Log in to the EWLM Control Center as the user who has monitor role. In our case we log
on as user ewlmmon.
2. Click Transaction classes on the navigation panel.
Figure 5-11 shows the classification result. We found that the Response time value for two
transaction classes, TC_Trade3_register and TC_Trade3_update_profile, shows 00.000
average, which means these transaction classes do not receive any requests. No work
Note: You have to run the workload longer than the interval specified in the EWLM Control
Center preferences in order to make EWLM detect all work requests and classify them to
transaction class successfully. Refer to 4.1, “EWLM Control Center overview” on page 78
for more information.
Chapter 5. The ITSO EWLM scenario 145
request is classified to these transaction classes, although there are work requests to
register and update_profile action. This is due to wrong classification filters.
Figure 5-11 Result of classification filter at Transaction Classes monitor
Redefine the classification filter
We can verify whether Trade3 receives the work request related to the actions or not using
the IBM HTTP Server access log file. We transfer the IBM HTTP Server access log file to our
Linux machine as we did at “Identifying transactions” on page 131.
Then, we use grep again to print lines which contain “?” and “register” or “update_profile
to verify if the IBM HTTP Server received the work request related to these actions.
Example 5-5 and Example 5-6 show us that the work requests were coming to the application
but were not classified to the appropriate transaction class. There may be some mistakes in
our classification filter, therefore EWLM classifies these work requests to the general
transaction class, TC_Trade3_general.
Example 5-5 Access log of register action for Trade3
[root]# grep '?' access.log | grep register | head -3 - - [17/May/2004:17:01:16 -0400] "GET /trade/app?Full+Name=first%3A176
-ccnum-456&action=register HTTP/1.1" 200 13413 - - [17/May/2004:17:01:39 -0400] "GET /trade/app?Full+Name=first%3A573
ccnum-456&action=register HTTP/1.1" 200 13413 - - [17/May/2004:17:01:46 -0400] "GET /trade/app?Full+Name=first%3A46+
ccnum-456&action=register HTTP/1.1" 200 13413
Example 5-6 Access log of update_profile action for Trade3
[root]# grep '?' access.log | grep update_profile | head -3 - - [17/May/2004:17:01:17 -0400] "GET /trade/app?userID=uid%3A20&fulln
ail=rndEmail&action=update_profile HTTP/1.1" 200 13601 - - [17/May/2004:17:01:26 -0400] "GET /trade/app?userID=uid%3A15&fulln

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