102 IBM ^ Cluster 1600 Managed by PSSP 3.5: What’s New
System for AIX 5L: AIX Clusters Concepts, Planning, and Installation
, GA22-7895.
– The software can be installed in either an AIX cluster environment or a
PSSP cluster environment. Therefore, two sets of man pages are shipped
with the product and your MANPATH environment variable should point to
the appropriate directory.
5.1.2 General Parallel File System cluster types
GPFS defines several cluster types, depending on the operating environment:
VSD environment The VSD/SP environment is based on the IBM Parallel
System Support Programs (PSSP) product and the IBM
Virtual Shared Disk (VSD) product. The boundaries of the
GPFS cluster in the VSD environment depend on the
switch type being used. For more information, refer to 5.3,
“General Parallel File System on Virtual Shared Disk” on
page 104.
HACMP environment The HACMP environment is created by the High
Availability Cluster Multi-Processing for AIX/Enhanced
Scalability (HACMP/ES). The boundaries of the GPFS
cluster are maintained with the
mmaddcluster, and mmdelcluster commands. 5.4,
“General Parallel File System on HACMP” on page 108,
specifies the HACMP environment.
Linux environment The Linux environment is based on the Linux operating
system. The boundaries of the GPFS cluster in the Linux
environment are maintained with the
mmaddcluster, and mmdelcluster commands. For more
information, refer to 5.5, “General Parallel File System on
Linux” on page 112.
RPD environment A Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) peer
domain was created by the RSCT subsystem of AIX 5L. In
the RPD environment, the boundaries of the GPFS
cluster are maintained with the
mmaddcluster, and mmdelcluster commands. For more
information, refer to 5.6, “General Parallel File System on
RSCT peer domain” on page 114.
Important: GPFS includes new file system functions that are not usable in
existing file systems until you authorize these changes by issuing
mmchfs -V.
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