Chapter 7. IBM System x3690 X5 327
Ensure that half of the power supplies of both units are plugged into one utility power source
and the remaining half are plugged into a separate utility power source. This approach
eliminates the possibility of a single breaker or circuit fault taking down the entire server.
Think of the power supplies in your server like shock absorbers in a car. They are designed to
absorb and overcome a wide variety of power conditions that can occur from an electric utility
company, but like shock absorbers on a car, they will eventually begin to fail when fed a
steady diet of unstable power. The times of their failures will most likely not coincide with a
planned maintenance window. Therefore, ensure that the two halves of power supplies are
plugged into two separate UPS sources to filter out all of the moderate to severe power
fluctuations that occur.
Figure 7-25 depicts the power supplies of the combined x3690 X5 and the MAX5 and to
which UPS power sources they must be attached to be fully redundant.
Figure 7-25 Recommended power cabling for the x3690 X5 and the MAX5
7.7 Using the Integrated Management Module
For any successful implementation of a server, there must be provisions set aside to provide
access to perform troubleshooting or routine maintenance. The x3690 X5 comes standard
with the Integrated Management Module (IMM). The IMM is a separate, independent
operating environment that activates and remains active while the server is plugged into a
good ac power source. The IMM monitors the hardware components of the server and the
environment in which the server operates, looking for a potential hardware fault.
You can access part of the information that is stored in the IMM by using F1-Setup by
selecting System Settings Integrated Management Module. Figure 7-26 on page 328
shows the first panel of the Integrated Management Module configuration panel.
Two primary power
supplies for the x3690
Two optional power
supplies for the x3690
The two power supplies
of the attached eX5
Plug the left three power
supplies into UPS
source 1.
Plug the right three
power supplies into UPS
source 2.

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