Chapter 9. Management 481
17.You are prompted to either schedule the deployment of the agent or deploy it immediately.
For our example, we deploy the agent immediately. IBM Systems Director defaults to Run
Now for all tasks unless specified otherwise. Click OK when ready to deploy the agent.
Click Display Properties to view the status of the agent deployment process.
18.After the agent deployment completes, inventory the operating system object by going to
Navigate Resources All Operating Systems. Right-click the respective operating
system object and click Inventory View and Collect Inventory.
19.Click Collect Inventory and click OK to run the task immediately.
20.Click Display Properties again to view the progress of the inventory task.
21.After the task completes, you are ready to view and manage the scalable systems.
9.5.5 Service and Support Manager
Service and Support Manager is a no-charge plug-in to IBM Systems Director. It
automatically captures hardware errors and reports them to IBM support for you on a 24/7
basis. It forms part of IBM Electronic Services, as described in 9.6, “IBM Electronic Services”
on page 493. The tool is quick, easy to configure, and provides the following benefits:
򐂰 Automatic problem reporting
򐂰 Direct routing 24/7 of reported problems to IBM technical support
򐂰 Reduced personnel time required for gathering and reporting service information
򐂰 Higher availability and shorter downtime
򐂰 Custom IT management tools enabled
򐂰 Secure Internet access
򐂰 Accurate solutions with reduced human error in gathering and reporting service
򐂰 Secure Web access to your service information
򐂰 Consistent IBM worldwide service and support process
You can access the Service and Support Manager plug-in on the IBM Systems Director 6.2.1
DVD or you can download it from the following website:
You need to register at no charge if you do not have an IBM ID to access this website.
Progress indicator: The progress indicator might remain on 5% for a period of time
before its value increases, which is normal.
Version tip: Service and Support Manager versions are specific to the version of the IBM
Systems Director server that is installed. In our example, we have IBM Systems Director
Version 6.2.1; therefore, we must use Service and Support Manager Version 6.2.1.
482 IBM eX5 Implementation Guide
Service and Support Manager prerequisites
Before installing Service and Support Manager, you must meet the following prerequisites:
򐂰 The IBM Systems Director server must have access to the Internet. The access can be
granted via a proxy server, but the following configuration rules must be followed for
Service and Support Manager and Update Manager to work correctly.
Configure the proxy server to use basic authentication if it is configured for digest or NT
LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication. The update manager task supports only basic
authentication with the proxy server. If digest or NTLM authentication is required, the
update manager is unable to access update packages from IBM.
򐂰 Service and Support Manager requires access to the host names, IP addresses, and
ports that are shown in Table 9-3.
Table 9-3 Remote servers to which Service and Support Manager needs access
򐂰 Collect inventory for the systems before you start the installation. This task is not
mandatory, but it is recommended.
Installing and configuring Service and Support Manager
In this section, we describe how to install and configure Service and Support Manager from
the IBM Systems Director 6.2.1 DVD:
1. Place the IBM Systems Director DVD into the IBM Systems Director server. The DVD runs
2. Select the language that you want to use from the list box and click OK.
3. The IBM Systems Director Welcome page appears. Click IBM Service and Support
4. Click Install IBM Service and Support Manager 6.2.1, as shown in Figure 9-33 on
page 483.
Remote server IP addresses Port 443 443
443 443 443
Tip: IP addresses are subject to change, so ensure that you use host names whenever
Tip: If you have disabled the auto-run feature on your IBM Systems Director server, you
can find the Service and Support Manager software in the SSM directory directly in the
root of the DVD. Open the SSM directory and double-click
SysDir6_2_1_Service_Support_Windows.exe to start the installation.

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