Chapter 5. End user functions 161
Just for example, if the viewer types the command EXIT from a ISPF panel, then
this command is replicated on the demonstrator screen, who can press the Enter
key and get it executed.
Unassisted Input viewer
If the selected viewer is defined as UNASSISTED, he can directly interfere with
the demonstration, issuing commands or deciding which screen to show to the
other participants, with the only difference that in his case the escape key
pressed will end the demonstration, but the demonstrator can use it to return to
the menu panel without terminating the demonstration. Figure 5-11 shows user
SM05 defined as Input Viewer Unassisted.
Figure 5-11 User SM05 defined as Unassisted Input viewer
5.4 Windows feature
The Windows feature in Session Manager enables the end user to create and
manage windows and window control areas on a normal 3270 screen, allowing in
this way to display several sessions or Session Manager panels active at the
same time on the same physical screen.
Session Manager Demonstration Viewer List 10/09/2004 12:19:25
SC66 TN32 092AABB7 SM01
Viewers:Copy applications automatically ON | OFF PF10
Copy S/Mgr panels ON | OFF PF11
Number of viewers: 1 Input Viewer: SM05 Unassisted
Userid Termid Userid Termid Userid Termid Userid Termid
SM05 092AABB7
PF1:Help PF3:Show menu PF4:Stop demo Return from application: PA3

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