Chapter 5. End user functions 169
Only one screen at a time can be copied using the Cut and Paste function. This
means that if a member of a dataset is 107 lines long (that is, six screens), it is
not possible to position the SE cursor at the end of the last screen, but only at the
end of the first one. So the Cut and Paste operation has to be repeated six times.
The FWD command works only for the single screen.
If your Paste operation trys to paste data on a protected area of the screen, you
will be prompted with an error message Attempt made to PASTE on protected
field, and if the confirmation key is pressed, only none protected areas will be
filled in.
5.6 File Transfer facility
The File Transfer facility allows the end user be able to transfer files from (or to)
his workstation to (or from) active applications running on a host system. If the
workstation is connected to the applications via Session Manager, some settings
are required to have the File Transfer function working.
5.6.1 Definitions
The main parameters required to have File Transfer function working properly in
a Session Manager environment are PCTRANSFER and SAUTOSEQ.
This is a Common Session parameter and can be defined as YES, ON, NO, or
When active (PCTRANSFER=Yes), MISER is switched off for this session; data
stream compression is not used; addname, addnode, and addsid are ignored;
the alarm is not sounded; broadcasts are queued; and Session Manager does
not intercept any WSF RP(Q), since these are known to interfere with PC
emulators. So it can also be used to have these functions deactivated for a single
user or system if needed.
If it is not activated (PCTRANSFER=No), problems can be found when using the
File Transfer function. If a session has PCTRANSFER=No defined and a
broadcast message is received during the File Transfer operation, this can lead
to the Transfer Interrupted condition, because the message is not queued,
waiting for operation completed as when PCTRANSFER=Yes.
The default value for PCTRANSFER is NO. It can be set to Yes in the Common
Session Parameter or using the PCTRANSFER command on the Session
Manager Menu panel, which enables the PCTRANSFER parameter setting of
170 IBM Session Manager Implementation
the SYSTEM, PROFILE, TERMINAL, or USER statement to be switched on and
off dynamically for active sessions only.
The syntax of the command is:
PCTRANSFER [Yes|No|ON|OFF] [seln-id]
The default in this case is Yes, and the seln-id can specify a selected session
where the command applies.
Another parameter related to the File Transfer function is SAUTOSEQ. It is
defined into the Common Session parameters at system level and inherited at
lower levels. It specifies a sequence of characters, a function or attention key, or
the light pen, for invoking a script for a session.
The parameter syntax is as follows:
SAUTOSEQ escape [A | I | E | N scriptname] [PASS] [NOCURESC]
Where escape, which must be delimited by a null or space if issued, can be from
one to eight characters long (PF1–24, PA1–3, ‘ATTN’, ‘CLEAR’, or ‘PEN’). The
parameters A, I, E, and N specify the type of script to be run when escape is
entered, and have the following meanings:
A – The AUTOSCRIPT is run, for this session.
I – The script name supplied with escape is run.
E – The ENDSCRIPT is run, for this session.
N – The script specified on the SAUTOSEQ parameter is run.
PASS – Passes the complete data stream containing the SAUTOSEQ
escape sequence into the script. Script logic can then be used to determine if
the sequence is to be passed into the application. For example, it can be
useful when used with a PCTRANSFER script driven by a SAUTOSEQ
escape setting of IND$FILE. The data stream containing the IND$FILE and
its parameters can then be passed to the session.
If CURESC=YES has been specified in the configuration, the NOCURESC
parameter allows SAUTOSEQ sequences to be recognized and actioned
immediately as they are entered in an input field, regardless of the cursor
position. This is particularly useful if you are running the supplied script
GOPCTRAN, which automatically detects IND$FILE and issues the
Any number of SAUTOSEQ parameters can be specified for each session.
However, since they are session-specific, the scripts can only be run when the
session is active.
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