Chapter 3. Gateway development 47
3.1.2 GPRS Service Solution interface control guide
The version of Service Quality Manager GPRS Service Solution installed is V1.3.
This GPRS Service Solution includes several data sources for:
򐂰 Radio Access Network (RAN) PM
򐂰 Core Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) PM
򐂰 Core Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) PM
򐂰 End-to-End (E2E) Active Test
For each data source, there is an interface control guide in a PDF file. The
interface control guide explains the input file requirements so that data can be
loaded successfully. We use the GPRS Core GGSN PM Service Solution
Interface Control Guide as a basis to develop and configure the gateway we
In conjunction with the functional specification of the technology pack, we can
correlate the performance data information for the GPRS Core GGSN PM.
GPRS Core GGSN PM CSV file naming convention
The adapter in the GPRS Core GGSN PM Service Solution requires the input
CSV file to be named as follows:
where YYYYMMDD.hhmm elements correspond to the file interval start time and
end time, respectively.
MsActivatedPdps MsActivatedPdps The total number of PDP context activation
procedures initiated by an MS on this APN
MsActivatedDynPdps MsActivatedDynPdps The total number of dynamic PDP context
activation procedures initiated by an MS on this
NetworkInitPdps NetworkInitPdps The total number of network initiated PDP
context activation procedures
SuccMsDeactivatedPdps SuccMsDeactivatedPdps The total number of successfully completed
PDP context deactivation initiated by the MS
MsDeactivatedPdps MsDeactivatedPdps The total number of PDP context deactivation
procedures initiated by an MS on this APN
Field name Expression® or mapping Description
48 IBM Tivoli Netcool Service Quality Manager Data Mediation Gateway Development
UniqueID is an optional element that can be used to, for example, uniquely
identify the GPRS Core Network. In a situation where the deployed solution has
multiple mediation points, then this element is recommended.
We use a custom field in the PERLIZE rule and a modified CSV output writer to
achieve this name. This customization is explained in 3.5, “Developing the post
parser configuration for Motorola GGSN” on page 58. Example 3-1 show some of
the file names using the desired naming convention.
Example 3-1 GPRS Core GGSN CSV file naming convention
GPRS Core GGSN PM CSV file format
The content of the CSV file for the core GGSN PM is listed in Table 3-3. The
fields should be described in the CSV header lines.
Table 3-3 GPRS Core GGSN PM CSV file format
Field name Field description Constraints
GGSNName Textual name of GGSN Not null, text string (up to 64
APN The access point name Not null, text string (up to 256
pdpCreate_successes Number of successful PDP Contexts
creation attempts
Nullable, but >=0 if present
pdpCreate_failures Number of unsuccessful PDP Contexts
creation attempts
Nullable, but >=0 if present
msInit_pdpDelete_successes Number of successful mobile initiated
PDP context deletion attempts
Nullable, but >=0 if present
msInit_pdpDelete_failures Number of unsuccessful mobile initiated
PDP context deletion attempts
Nullable, but >=0 if present
nwInit_pdpDelete_successes Number of unsuccessful network
initiated PDP context deletion attempts
Nullable, but >=0 if present
nwInit_pdpDelete_successes Number of unsuccessful network
initiated PDP context deletion attempts
Nullable, but >=0 if present

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