40 IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE V3.1 – Deep Dive on z/OS
3.1 Planning for installation
The successful installation of an enterprise monitoring system takes careful
planning. This section provides the steps necessary to plan this installation.
Multiple factors must be considered before you begin the installation of the
OMEGAMON infrastructure. Each environment has its own prerequisites.
These steps include:
򐂰 3.1.1, “Checking the requirements” on page 40
򐂰 3.1.2, “Implementation options” on page 42
򐂰 3.1.3, “Overview of the installation and configuration process” on page 43
3.1.1 Checking the requirements
For IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE, we discuss requirements for hardware,
software, and networks.
Hardware and software requirements
The complete system requirements, such as for software level and storage, are
supplied in the products Program Directory. Refer to the appropriate Program
Directory for the products that you are installing. You should also review the
current Preventive Service Planning (PSP) information and acquire all of the
necessary maintenance that is available for the product.
The driving system that is used to install IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE can run in
any hardware environment that supports z/OS V1.4, 5694-A01 or later and IBM
System Modification Program/Extended (SMP/E) for z/OS and OS/390 V3.2.0,
5655-G44 or later. Our environment runs z/OS 1.5.
򐂰 For Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server: This can run on either a Windows-based
system or Linux running on zSeries (with IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1).
Recommended hardware for a Windows-based system is an Intel® system
capable of running Windows XP Pro, Windows 2003, or Windows 2000.
Software: Windows XP Professional Edition with SP 1 (or higher) or Windows
2000 with SP 3 (or higher).
򐂰 Desktop or browser client:
Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop client requires Sun™ Java™ V1.3.1 with
fixpack 4 or later, or V1.4.2 with fixpack 7 or later.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client requires Internet Explorer 6 (or higher)
with Java Plug-in (same Java release levels as above).
Chapter 3. Installation and configuration: IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE 41
Network requirements
While networking can be considered a hardware component, it does require
some attention. The OMEGAMON infrastructure typically uses three
communication protocols: IP (UDP), IP.PIPE (TCP), and SNA. These protocols
have different requirements in order to properly work with the infrastructure
򐂰 IP.PIPE specifies the use of the TCP/IP protocol for underlying
򐂰 IP specifies the use of the UDP (User Datagram Protocol), which is a
packet-based, connectionless protocol.
򐂰 SNA specifies the use of Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Advanced
Program-To-Program Communications (APPC).
See the program directory and Getting Started with IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON on
z/OS, SC32-9491, for more details.
To illustrate use of TCP/IP communication with IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE on
z/OS, Example 3-1 is an excerpt of the command NETSTAT in our environment.
Example 3-1 NETSTAT output
EZZ2585I User Id Conn Local Socket Foreign Socket State
EZZ2586I ------- ---- ------------ -------------- -----
EZZ2587I CANSDS52 00007D91 Listen
EZZ2587I CANSDS52 00007D97 Listen
EZZ2587I CANSDS52 00007D94 Establish
EZZ2587I CANSM2 00007D62 Listen
EZZ2587I CANSM2 00007D95 Establish
EZZ2587I CANSM2 00007D61 Listen
EZZ2587I CANSM2 00007D64 Listen
EZZ2587I CANSDS52 00007D99 *..* UDP
EZZ2587I CANSDS52 00007D93 *..* UDP
Note: If IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE on z/OS is used with the IBM Tivoli
OMEGAVIEW product, they should both be installed in the same CSI target
and distribution zones. This ensures that the maintenance level of the
ITMS:Engine and Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server components, which are
used by both products, is at the same level. If they are installed in different CSI
zones, you should check to ensure the maintenance levels of the ITMS:Engine
and Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server components in both zones are the
same or at a compatible level.

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