46 IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE V3.1 – Deep Dive on z/OS
Figure 3-1 Standard base and sharing RTEs
Another approach that we consider is to have a separate RTE to act as the
hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, while each sysplex member uses a
separate sharing RTE containing the remote Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server (Figure 3-2). This configuration is useful for creating a moveable hub
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
Figure 3-2 Base and sharing RTEs with separate RTE for hub Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server
3.2 SMP/E environment
SMP/E can be run using either batch jobs or dialogs under Interactive System
Productivity Facility/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF). SMP/E dialogs
help you interactively query the SMP/E database, as well as create and submit
jobs to process SMP/E commands. IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE V3.1 supplies
program directories to install the product using SMP/E. The program directories
that we use are:
Program Directory for IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS V3.1.0,
Program Directory for IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON for Mainframe Networks
V3.1.0, GI11-4078
Sharing RTE1 Sharing RTE2 Sharing RTE3
Hub TEMS Remote TEMSRemote TEMS
Sharing RTE1 Sharing RTE2 Sharing RTE3
Remote TEMS Remote TEMSRemote TEMS
Sharing RTEHUB
Chapter 3. Installation and configuration: IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE 47
Program Directory for IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS V3.1.0,
Program Directory for IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON for CICS on z/OS V3.1.0,
Program Directory for IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON on z/OS V3.1.0, GI11-4081
Our SMP/E environment includes the products and FMIDs shown in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1 FMID list
Table 3-2 on page 48 lists the resulting FMIDs for our IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON
XE V3.1. We have all of these FMIDs in a single Consolidated Software Inventory
Product name FMID list
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE on z/OS V3.1.0 HKM5310
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for Mainframe Networks V3.1.0 HKN3310
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for Storage on z/OS V3.1.0 HKS3310
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for IMS on z/OS V3.1.0 HKI5310
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS V3.1.0 HKC5310
Common components for V3.1.0 products HKCI310
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for OS/390 UNIX System Services V2.2.0 HKOE220
All except IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for Storage on z/OS
All except IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for Mainframe Network
48 IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE V3.1 – Deep Dive on z/OS
Table 3-2 FMIDs and components
Some of these FMIDs are shared between products. Apart from these shared
FMIDs, some of the target and distribution libraries are also shared, and multiple
FMIDs use the same libraries. These shared libraries require you to have a larger
library allocation to accommodate all products that use the same libraries.
A typical SMP/E-based installation performs the following steps:
1. Allocate the distribution and target libraries.
2. Define the libraries to SMP/E as DDDEF.
3. Receive the FMID to SMP/E so that SMP/E is aware of its existence and
source data.
4. Perform the apply process to populate the target libraries.
5. Perform the accept process to populate the distribution libraries.
FMID COMPID Component name RETAIN® release
HKCI310 5608A41CC Configuration Assistance Tool (ICAT) 310
HKDS360 5608A2800 Candle Management Server on z/OS 360
HKET550 5608A4155 EE End-To-End 550
HKLV190 5608A41CE ITMS:Engine 190
HKOB550 5608A41OB OMNIMON Base 10B
HKSB550 5608A41SP Shared Probes 550
HKM5310 5698A5900 OMEGAMON on z/OS 310
HKM2550 5608A0400 OMEGAMON II for MVS 550
HKN3310 5608A4000 OMEGAMON for Mainframe Networks 310
HKON550 5608A3700 OMEGAMON II for Mainframe Networks 550
HKC5310 5698A5800 OMEGAMON for CICS on z/OS 310
HKC2550 5608A0100 OMEGAMON II for CICS 550
HKI5310 5698A3900 OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS 310
HKDF550 5698A4600 OMEGAMON II for SMS 550
HKS3310 5698A4600 OMEGAMON for Storage 310
HKI2550 5608A0300 OMEGAMON II for IMS 550
AKOE220 5608A2700 OMEGAMON for OS/390 UNIX System Services 220
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