Chapter 3. Installation and configuration: IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE 75
With option 1, we can define our enqueue in sysplex (ENQplex). An ENQplex is a
group of z/OS images in a sysplex environment under common enqueue
management. If you do not define any ENQplexes, the configuration tool creates
a default ENQplex called $DEFAULT. You can use this option to define
ENQplexes later. Changes here are global for all sysplex and RTE definitions.
We defined our ENQplex at this point, and called it ITSOENQ (Figure 3-33). The
RTE count is based on the final number of RTEs defined.
Figure 3-33 ENQplex definition
We complete steps 2 - 7 (Figure 3-32 on page 74) by submitting the generated
jobs. These jobs should complete successfully.
3.3.7 Loading the RTE and completing configuration
The last step on the sharing RTE definition is to load it with the configured
members (Figure 3-34).
Figure 3-34 Loading the sharing RTE
---------------------- Define Enterprise wide ENQ manager ------------------
Action: A Add a new ENQPlex environment
D Delete an ENQPlex environment
V View list of Sysplexs assigned to an ENQPlex
Action ENQPlex Sysplex RTE
code name Description count count
_ ________ ______________________________________
_ ITSOENQ ITSO Enqueue Plex 1 3
------------------------- RUNTIME ENVIRONMENTS (RTEs) ----------------------
Actions: A Add RTE, B Build libraries, C Configure,
L Load all product libraries after SMP/E,
D Delete, U Update, V View values, Z Utilities
Action Name Type Sharing Description
_ ________ ________ ________ _____________________________________________
_ BASE BASE Base RTE for SC52, SC69, SC67
l SHR1 SHARING BASE Sharing RTE for SC52
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