58 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.3 Technical Workshop Presentation Guide
Simplified installation
For an initial installation, perform the following the steps in the order shown.
1. Install Tivoli SpaceManager on each HSM node.
2. Define your Tivoli Storage Manager server and Tivoli Storage Manager client configuration
in dsm.sys and dsm.opt.
3. Restart the HSM daemons using dsmmigfs restart.
4. After the installation, make sure that the dsmrecalld daemon is up on at least one node.
5. Unmount all GPFS file systems on all nodes within the GPFS nodeset, that will be HSM
6. Activate DMAPI management for these GPFS file systems:
mmchfs <device> -z yes
7. Remount all GPFS file systems on all nodes within the GPFS nodeset.
8. On the HSM session nodes, add HSM management to all desired GPFS file systems
(dsmmigfs add <fs>). The installation process creates the following HSM-specific files for
each GPFS node set and stores them in the GPFS internal repository:
– DSMNodeset
– DSMSDRVersion
It also starts the space management daemons.
For an upgrade from Tivoli SpaceManager 5.2.x, perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that all HSM nodes (session and backup) are in a consistent state and that all
HSM-managed file systems are mounted on all HSM nodes.
2. Globally deactivate HSM on every node using:
dsmmigfs globaldeactivate
3. Disable failover on every node using:
dsmmigfs disablefailover
4. To know which node is a session node for which file system, save the output of the
following command on one node.
dsmmigfs q -f'
5. Remove the Tivoli SpaceManager from all nodes following the instruction in the README
6. Install Tivoli SpaceManager on all nodes as explained earlier.
7. Globally reactivate HSM on every node using this command:
dsmmigfs globalreactivate
8. Enable failover on every node using the command:
dsmmigfs enablefailover
9. Take over each file system on its session node as it is known in step 4.
To start, stop, or restart daemons (for example to let them update the configuration set in
dsm.opt and dsm.sys), perform the following command, specifying the correct start, stop, or
restart function:
dsmmigfs start/stop/restart
Note: The daemons are started with the same environment as dsmwatchd, meaning that
dsm.opt and dsm.sys in the default installation path /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin are used.