128 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.3 Technical Workshop Presentation Guide
Scheduling operational reports
In this scenario, we create a monitor with a custom summary that uses SQL time parameters.
The reports are collected every 15 minutes. Follow these steps.
1. From the MMC console (see Figure A-1), expand Reports. Select Operational Monitors,
right-click it, and select New.
Figure A-1 Operational Reporting: Creating a monitor
2. Name the monitor. In this scenario, we name the monitor 15 Minute Monitor as shown in
Figure A-2. Click OK.
Figure A-2 Operational Reporting: 15 minute monitor
Appendix A. Using the Windows scheduler with Tivoli Storage Manager Operational Reporting 129
3. In the Properties window (Figure A-3), complete these steps:
a. Deselect the Activate monitor check box.
b. Select the Use Collapsable sections check box.
c. You can increase the number of Web versions if you want the monitor results to
display in the Web summary.
d. Click Settings.
Figure A-3 Operational Reporting: Monitor properties
130 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.3 Technical Workshop Presentation Guide
4. You see the Advanced Customization window (Figure A-4).
a. Click Save As to create a new custom summary template based on the default
Figure A-4 Operational Reporting: Advanced customization
b. In the Save As window (Figure A-5), save the template with a meaningful name. In this
case, we chose 15minmon.xml. Click Save.
Figure A-5 Operational Reporting: Save as 15minmon.xml
Appendix A. Using the Windows scheduler with Tivoli Storage Manager Operational Reporting 131
5. Customize the default template.
a. As shown in Figure A-6, select the first report and click Edit.
Figure A-6 Operational Reporting: Edit
b. Change the SQL statement from the default as shown in the following example and in
Figure A-7:
select count(*) as CSM -
from events where LENGTH(domain_name) IS NOT NULL and scheduled_start between '%s'
and '%s' and status='Missed'
Figure A-7 Operational Reporting: Custom summary reports editor
132 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.3 Technical Workshop Presentation Guide
Change it as shown in the following example and in Figure A-8 to reflect our
requirement, which is to count the client schedules missed.
select count(*) as CSM -
from actlog -
where msgno=2578 and -
date_time>current_timestamp - 10 minutes
Figure A-8 Operational Reporting: Custom summary reports editor
c. Confirm by clicking OK.
Important: Do not leave any spaces before or after the angle bracket (>) between
date_time and current_timestamp.

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