Appendix A. Using the Windows scheduler with Tivoli Storage Manager Operational Reporting 133
6. As shown in Figure A-9, select the summary record. Click Copy and then click Paste.
Figure A-9 Operational Reporting: Advanced customization: Copy/paste of summary record
7. Update the newly created summary report as shown in Figure A-10.
a. Select the record and click Edit.
Figure A-10 Operational Reporting: Advanced customization: Editing the report
134 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.3 Technical Workshop Presentation Guide
b. Update the SQL variable name, the report label, and then select the statement as
shown in Figure A-11. Click Edit Rule. Update the rule as shown in Figure A-11 and
Figure A-12.
c. Click OK to confirm it.
Figure A-11 Operational Reporting: Editing the custom summary
Figure A-12 shows the updated Notification rule.
Figure A-12 Operational Reporting: Defining a notification rule
Appendix A. Using the Windows scheduler with Tivoli Storage Manager Operational Reporting 135
8. Select the summary reports that you are not interested in for this monitor (see
Figure A-13) and click Delete. From here, you can make changes to the summary reports
according your requirements. For this example, we only want what we have defined so far.
Figure A-13 Operational Reporting: Deleting reports
Figure A-14 shows how to update the recipient list to include the e-mail addresses of
everyone who is to receive this notification. This completes the monitor definition.
Figure A-14 Operational Reporting: Defining the e-mail recipients
136 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.3 Technical Workshop Presentation Guide
We now create a Windows command file to run this monitor. The command file is required
because the Windows scheduler does not allow command line parameters. Instead, we
include the command line parameters from the script using the following steps.
1. Collect a list of defined reports and monitors. To do this, change to the directory where the
console is installed.
2. From that directory, type the command:
tsmrept -type=list
The command line parameters for the monitor we want are the first ones listed as shown in
Figure A-15. The first one is the 15 minute monitor that we just created.
Figure A-15 Operational Reporting: tsmrept -type=list
3. Start notepad and create the command file. When completed, save it in normal ANSI
Figure A-16 Operational Reporting: Defining a .cmd file
Now set up the Windows scheduler to run this command file. In this scenario, we set it to run
every 15 minutes as we define with our requirements.
1. Select Start Settings Control Panel to open the Windows Control Panel.
2. Click Scheduled Tasks to start the Wizard.
3. In the Scheduled Task Wizard window (Figure A-17), click Next to reach the first input
Appendix A. Using the Windows scheduler with Tivoli Storage Manager Operational Reporting 137
Figure A-17 Scheduled task wizard
4. Click the Browse button (Figure A-18) and navigate through the file system. Select the
15_minute_monitor.cmd as the program to schedule.
Figure A-18 Scheduled Task Wizard: Assign program

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