© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 149
ABI Application Binary Interface
ACE Access Control Entries
ACL Access Control List
AD Microsoft Active Directory
ADSM ADSTAR Distributed Storage
AFS® Andrew File System
AIX Advanced Interactive eXecutive
ANSI American National Standards
API application programming interface
APPC Advanced Program-to-Program
APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer
ARPA Advanced Research Projects
ASCII American National Standard Code
for Information Interchange
ASR Automated System Recovery
ATM asynchronous transfer mode
BDC Backup Domain Controller
BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain
BSD Berkeley Software Distribution
C-SPOC cluster single point of control
CA Certification Authorities
CAL Client Access License
CDE Common Desktop Environment
CGI Common Gateway Interface
CIFS Common Internet File System
CIM Common Information Model
CPI-C Common Programming Interface
for Communications
CPU central processing unit
CSR client/server runtime
DAC Discretionary Access Controls
DARPA Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency
DASD Direct Access Storage Device
DBM database management
DCE Distributed Computing
Abbreviations and acronyms
DCOM Distributed Component Object
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
DDNS Dynamic Domain Name System
DES Data Encryption Standard
DFS™ Distributed File System
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration
DLC Data Link Control
DRM Disaster REcovery Manager
DSA Directory Service Agent
DNS Domain Name System
EFS Encrypting File Systems
EGID Effective Group Identifier
EMS Event Management Services
ERP Enterprise Resources Planning
ERRM Event Response Resource
ESCON® Enterprise System Connection
ESP Encapsulating Security Payload
ESS Enterprise Storage Server
EUID Effective User Identifier
FAT File Allocation Table
FC Fibre Channel
FDDIFEC Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FEC Fast EtherChannel technology
FIFO first in/first out
FQDN fully qualified domain name
FSF file storage facility
FtDisk fault-tolerant disk
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GC global catalog
GDA Global Directory Agent
GDI Graphical Device Interface
GDS Global Directory Service
GID group identifier
GL graphics library
GPFS General Parallel File System
GUI graphical user interface
HA High Availability
150 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.3 Technical Workshop Presentation Guide
HACMP High Availability Cluster
HAL hardware abstraction layer
HBA host bus adapter
HCL hardware compatibility list
HSM hierarchical storage management
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
IBM International Business Machines
IDE Integrated Drive Electronics
IDS Intelligent Disk Subsystem
IIS Internet Information Server
I/O input/output
IP Internet Protocol
IPC™ Interprocess Communication
IPL Initial Program Load
IPsec Internet Protocol Security
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISNO Interface-specific Network Options
ISO International Standards
ISV independent software vendor
ITSO International Technical Support
JBOD Just a Bunch of Disks
JFS Journaled File System
JVM Java virtual machine
LAN local area network
LCN logical cluster number
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access
LFS Logical File System (AIX)
LP logical partition
LPC Local Procedure Call
LUN logical unit number
LVCB Logical Volume Control Block
LVDD Logical Volume Device Driver
LVM Logical Volume Manager
MBR Master Boot Record
MDC Meta Data Controller
MDM Multiple Device Manager
MFT Master File Table
MIB Management Information Base
MMC Microsoft Management Console
MOCL Managed Object Class Library
MSCS Microsoft Cluster Server
MSS Modular Storage Server
MWC Mirror Write Consistency
NAS Network Attached Storage
NBC Network Buffer Cache
NBPI Number of Bytes per I-node
NDMP Network Data Management
NFS Network File System
NIM Network Installation Management
NIS Network Information System
NTFS NT File System
NVRAM nonvolatile random access memory
NetDDE Network Dynamic Data Exchange
ODBC Open Database Connectivity
ODM Object Data Manager
OM Object Manager
OPAL IBM Orchestration and Provisioning
Automation Library
OS operating system
OSF Open Software Foundation
PAM Pluggable Authentication Module
PCI Peripheral Component
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card
International Association
PDC Primary Domain Controller
PDF Portable Document Format
PFS Physical File System
PHB Per Hop Behavior
PMR Problem Management Record
POSIX Portable Operating System
Interface for Computer
PP physical partition
PReP PowerPC® Reference Platform®
PSM Persistent Storage Manager
PSN Program Sector Number
PV Physical Volume
PVID Physical Volume Identifier
QoS quality of service
RAID Redundant Array of Independent
RAS Remote Access Service
Abbreviations and acronyms 151
RDBMS relational database management
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer
RMC Resource Monitoring and Control
RMSS Reduced-Memory System
ROLTP Relative OnLine Transaction
ROS read-only storage
RPC Remote Procedure Call
RSM™ Removable Storage Management
RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol
SAM Security Account Manager
SAN Storage Area Network
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
SDK Software Developer's Kit
SFS SAN File System
SID Security Identifier
SMB Server Message Block
SMIT System Management Interface Tool
SMP symmetric multiprocessor
SMS Systems Management Server
SNA Systems Network Architecture
SNMP Simple Network Management
SP system parallel
SQL Structured Query Language
SRM Storage Resource Manager
SSA Serial Storage Architecture
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SVC SAN Volume Controller
TCP/IP Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol
TDP Tivoli Data Protection
TEC Tivoli Enterprise Console
TOS Type of Ser vice
TSM IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
UDB Universal Database
UDF Universal Disk Format
UFS UNIX File System
UID User Identifier
UNC Universal Naming Convention
URL Universal Resource Locator
VCN Virtual Cluster Name
VFS Virtual File System
VG Volume Group
VGDA Volume Group Descriptor Area
VGID Volume Group Identifier
VGSA Volume Group Status Area
VIPA virtual IP address
VP virtual processor
VPD Vital Product Data
VPN virtual private network
VSM Virtual System Management
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WAN wide area network
WLM Workload Manager
WWN World Wide Name
WWW World Wide Web
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