798 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager in a Clustered Environment
At this point, our team has already installed the Tivoli Storage Manager server
and Tivoli Storage Manager client, which will have been configured for high
availability. We have also configured and verified the communication paths
between the client and server.
After reviewing the readme file and the User’s Guide, we then proceed to fill out
the Configuration Information Worksheet provided in Table 19-2 on page 796.
Using the AIX command smitty installp, we install the filesets for the Tivoli
Storage Manager Storage Agent. This installation is standard, with the agent
being installed on both clients in the default locations.
19.5 Storage agent configuration
We begin our configuration of the LAN-free client by registering our Storage
Agent on TSMSRV03, then set up our definitions locally, and lastly, we configure
our drive paths on the remote Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Locally, we have already defined the VCS Service Group sg_isc_sta_tsmcli,
which hosts the shared disk resource. We will activate the shared disk to
facilitate our setup of the Storage Agent configuration files as follows:
1. First we register our Storage Agent server with the Tivoli Storage Manager
server we will be connecting to, in this case TSMSRV03.
2. Next, we run the /usr/tivoli/tsm/StorageAgent/bin/dsmsta
setstorageserver command to populate the devconfig.txt and dsmsta.opt files,
as shown in Example 19-1.
Example 19-1 The dsmsta setstorageserver command
dsmsta setstorageserver myname=cl_veritas01_sta mypassword=password
myhladdress= servername=tsmsrv03 serverpassword=password
hladdress= lladdress=1500
3. We then review the results of running this command, which populates the
devconfig.txt file as shown in Example 19-2.
Example 19-2 The devconfig.txt file
SET STAPASSWORD 2128bafb1915d7ee7cc49f9e116493280c
Chapter 19. VERITAS Cluster Server on AIX with the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager StorageAgent 799
4. Next, we review the results of this update on the dsmsta.opt file. We also see
the configurable parameters we have included, as well as the last line added
by the update just completed, which adds the servername, as shown in
Example 19-3.
Example 19-3 dsmsta.opt file change results
TCPPort 1502
DEVCONFIG /opt/IBM/ISC/tsm/StorageAgent/bin/devconfig.txt
5. Then, we add a two stanzas to our /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys file for
the LAN-free connection and a direct connection to the Storage Agent (for
use with the dsmadmc command), as shown in Example 19-4.
Example 19-4 dsm.sys stanzas for Storage Agent configured as highly available
* StorageAgent Server stanza for admin connection purpose
SErvername cl_veritas01_sta
COMMMethod TCPip
TCPPort 1502
ERRORLOGname /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmerror.log
* Clustered Storage Agents Labs Stanzas *
* Server stanza for the LAN-free atlantic client to the tsmsrv03 (AIX)
* this will be a client which uses the LAN-free StorageAgent
SErvername tsmsrv03_san
nodename cl_veritas01_client
COMMMethod TCPip
TCPPort 1500
TXNBytelimit 256000
resourceutilization 5
enablelanfree yes
lanfreecommmethod tcpip
lanfreetcpport 1502
800 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager in a Clustered Environment
schedmode prompt
passwordaccess generate
passworddir /opt/IBM/ISC/tsm/client/ba/bin/atlantic
schedlogname /opt/IBM/ISC/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmsched.log
errorlogname /opt/IBM/ISC/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmerror.log
6. Now we configure our LAN-free tape paths by using the ISC administration
interface, connecting to TSMSRV03. We start the ISC, then select Tivoli
Storage Manager, then Storage Devices, then the library associated to the
server TSMSRV03.
7. We choose Drive Paths, as seen in Figure 19-1.
Figure 19-1 Administration Center screen to select drive paths
Chapter 19. VERITAS Cluster Server on AIX with the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager StorageAgent 801
8. We select Add Path and click Go, as seen in Figure 19-2.
Figure 19-2 Administration Center screen to add a drive path
9. Then, we fill out the next panel with the local special device name, and select
the corresponding device which has been defined on TSMSRV03, as seen in
Figure 19-3.
Figure 19-3 Administration Center screen to define DRLTO_1
802 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager in a Clustered Environment
10.For the next panel, we click Close Message, as seen in Figure 19-4.
Figure 19-4 Administration Center screen to review completed adding drive path
11.We then select add drive path to add the second drive, as shown in
Figure 19-5.

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