12 IBM Tivoli Web Access for Information Management
2.2 Performing the SMP/E installation
Refer to the
IBM Tivoli Web Access for Information Management Program Directory
GI10-3232, that came with your Web Access tape. It is recommended that you use the same
DDDEFs for Web Access that you did for Information Management for z/OS so that the
common data sets are shared.
2.2.1 Installation reference table
When you install Web Access, you will need to reference and change various files and data
sets. To speed Web Access installation, please take the time to fill in the information in
Table 2-2. Make a copy of the table for your test and production systems. Keep it handy when
you are customizing the installation of Web Access. Refer to this table when you need to
locate one of the files or data sets needed during the install.
Table 2-2 Installation reference table
Name Location and description
BLX-PROC MVS PROCLIB:_______________________________________________________________
MVS procedure used to run the BLX service provider (BLX-SP).
BLXPRM MVS PDS name and member:____________________________________________________
Parameters used to control the BLX-SP. The BLXPRM DD in BLX-PROC points to the PDS. The
BLX-SP parameters member is typically named BLX100.
SBLMMOD1 MVS PDS name: ______________________________________________________________
Contains the load modules and session members used by Information Management for z/OS.
may use multiple load libraries, so list them all.
SBLMSAMP MVS PDS name: ______________________________________________________________
Contains the sample JCL members for Information Management for z/OS and Web Access.
SBLMPNLS MVS PDS name: ______________________________________________________________
Contains the panels needed by Information Management for z/OS and Web Access.
SBLMRCDS MVS PDS name: ______________________________________________________________
Contains data model records used by Information Management for z/OS and Web Access.
SBLMTSX MVS PDS name: ______________________________________________________________
Contains the TSX executables used by Information Management for z/OS and Web Access.
SBLMFMT MVS PDS name: ______________________________________________________________
Contains the report format tables, program data tables (PIDTs), and alias tables for Information
Management for z/OS and Web Access.
SBLMDICT MVS PDS name: ______________________________________________________________
Contains the dictionary for Information Management for z/OS and Web Access.
WEBPROC MVS PROCLIB:_______________________________________________________________
MVS procedure used to run the HTTP Server. The procedure was created during the installation of the
HTTP Server. See
IBM HTTP Server Planning, Installing, and Using
, SC31-8690 for Version 5.2, or
SC34-4826 for Version 5.3.
Chapter 2. Installation 13
BLG-Source MVS PDS name: ______________________________________________________________
Contains the source code used to create one or more session parameter members. It is often used to
store the JCL used to run the Information Management for z/OS utilities and create the Information
Management for z/OS database. You might want to use this PDS for the JCL employed to run the
Information Management for z/OS utilities for Web Access. Keeping the Information Management for
z/OS and Web Access JCL in the same PDS is recommended. Session members are named
򐂰 Session member you want Web Access to use when Web users create, update, and so on,
problem and change records: ___________ (data session)
򐂰 Session member used to access your data model record database
as database 5 (read/write
mode) if different than your data session: ___________ (DMRDB session)
򐂰 Session member used when you use the Information Management Panel Modification Facility
(PMF) if different than your data session: ___________ (PMF session)
Browse the session-parameters member source for the data session and locate the following data set
names coded on the BLGCLDSN macros:
򐂰 The IBM Panels data set: _______________________________
򐂰 The dictionary data: _______________________________
RFTDD MVS PDS name: ______________________________________________________________
Data set that contains your modified RFTs, PIDTs, and alias tables. If you do not currently have one,
then allocate one. Model it after SBLMFMT.
TSX MVS PDS name: ______________________________________________________________
Data set that contains your modified TSXs. If you do not currently have one, allocate one. Model it after
httpd.envvars Path and file name:____________________________________________________________
The HTTP Server environment variables file. The default environment variables file is
An environment variables file can be specified in your WEBPROC used to run your HTTP Server. The
file is pointed to by _CEE_ENFILE ENVAR. The _CEE_ENFILE file can specify a path or a DD name.
//IMWPROC PROC ICSPARM='-r /etc/httpd.conf',
// LEPARM='ENVAR(“_CEE_ENVFILE=/etc/httpd.envvars “)'
//IMWPROC PROC ICSPARM='-r /etc/httpd.conf',
//WENV DD PATH='/etc/httpd.envvars',
Name Location and description

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