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Chapter 4. Implementing a Web solution
using Web Access
Web Access is record- and search-centric. Generally, some type of search is done and
records are located in the Information Management for z/OS database. The located records
are accessed one at a time. Based on data in the record and the authority or role of the user,
HTML is used to present the record. The Web user chooses the next record or a different
HTML view of the current record. As the user moves from page to page, Web Access can
dynamically change the data or HTML used to display the record based on logic that your
process requires. This logic is known as
business logic
. Business logic is also used to relate
one record to another. If the user changes any data, Web Access validates that data before
the user is allowed to continue. If your process is not record-specific, or it requires access to
data outside the Information Management for z/OS database, it will be difficult to implement
using Web Access. However, data stored in the UNIX System Services HFS or an MVS data
set is easily accessed using Web Access.
For a given Information Management record type that you want to access using Web Access,
you need:
Data model records (data view, attribute, and validation)
HTML for display and print, update, create, copy, and search
Definitions in the BLQPARMS configuration file to support the record type
Business logic to control how the records will be processed and the relationship of this
record to other records in the database
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