42 IBM Tivoli Web Access for Information Management
5.1 Getting started
After you become familiar with the data views supplied by Web Access, you should decide if
you will use modified copies of these views and attributes or use your own data model
records. If you decide to modify a Web Access-supplied data view or data attribute, start by
copying it and giving it your own unique name. This way, you will not lose your modifications
when Web Access-supplied data model records are updated by new releases or
maintenance. You can use the COPY command to copy data views and data attributes just
like any other records in the database. If you have a 3270 application that you want to convert
to the Web, Chapter 7, Converting a 3270 application on page 71 provides information
about how you can automatically create the data model records for that application. That
chapter also has information of general interest to anyone working with data model records.
Section 5.2, Data model and HTML considerations on page 43 contains information you
should also consider as you build data model records for your Web Access application.
Once you have created or decided on your data view names, update your BLQPARMS
configuration file and specify your data view names on the appropriate record_type
transaction directives. The record_type transaction directives also contain the name of the
HTML file to use as the first page for the transaction, but until you generate the HTML, you
may not know these names. When you do generate the HTML, update your BLQPARMS
configuration file again to specify the actual HTML file names. Refer to 4.2, BLQPARMS
definitions needed to support a record type on page 36 for additional information about
setting up the record type parameters in your configuration file. Be sure to use the Reload
Configuration File task on the Web Administration page to reload your configuration file
whenever you make any changes to it (see Chapter 12, Web administration on page 115).
When creating a custom Web application, you should start by building the display-mode
HTML for each record type you will use. Oftentimes, you will want all of your fields to appear
on the display HTML, so working with this mode first will help to identify and create all the
data attributes that you will need. Since the organization of these fields across and within the
layouts for display will often also match the appearance that you want for update and create
pages, you may find that a layout you define for the display-mode HTML can also be used for
the other HTML modes. As you proceed with create, update, and inquiry, you may see that
the bulk of the work was already done preparing the display-mode HTML, and that you may
only need to update the field usage information in the panel layouts. Another advantage to
starting with display-mode HTML is that as you identify and build all of the data attributes for a
particular record type, you may find that certain fields are common across your records types.
So instead of creating new data attributes for another record type, you may be able to use the
same data attribute records for the common fields.
After you create the display-mode HTML using the panel layout information in your data
views, you will have a better idea of what you want your users to see on the HTML pages that
they will use to update or create records using Web Access. Generate the HTML for update
next. Keep in mind required and display-only fields, such as record ID. Also keep in mind that
some fields may not be needed on update. For example, you may want the Audit Information
to appear on display-mode HTML, but you would not want these fields to be available
in update mode. The layouts for create are often nearly identical to those for update.
Generally, it is only necessary to change a few usage fields in the layouts to allow the
create-mode HTML to be generated. As you generate the HTML, add the HTML file names to
your BLQPARMS configuration file so that you can test the HTML.
For now, do not concern
yourself with business logic or process flow. Focus instead on generating all of the HTML
For example, the date a record was created and the user who last modified it.
Remember to use the Web Administration page to reload the configuration file whenever you change it.

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