© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003 109
Chapter 11. Updating the style file
The Web Access application uses an external style sheet to manage the way it displays
HTML elements. The style sheet is named blqstyle.css and is installed in the
/usr/lpp/InfoMan/web/html/css directory. In the style sheet, you can define such things as the
background colors for required and optional fields and the font size and weight of the title at
the top of each page.
You can modify the style sheet to set the look and feel that you desire; but before you do,
make a backup copy of blqstyle.css. You should also be familiar with HTML tags and
attributes and cascading style sheets before you make any modifications.
Web Access primarily uses classes to define the look of its HTML elements. The following list
identifies the classes in blqstyle.css that you may be most interested in modifying. You will
see the class name, how Web Access uses it, and the set of attributes that it sets. You can
change the value for an attribute, delete an attribute, add an attribute, and so forth. When you
change blqstyle.css, you will need to refresh the page displayed on your browser to see any
changes. In some cases, you may need to delete your temporary Internet files to see the
110 IBM Tivoli Web Access for Information Management
Table 11-1 Web Access style sheet classes
Class Used for Attribute Value
pagetitle The title at the top of each page font-family verdana
font-size 14pt
font-weight bold
color black
required Required fields background-color #FFF7DE
border-color #A5A684
border-style solid
border-top-width 1px
border-right-width 1px
border-bottom-width 1px
border-left-width 2px
optional Optional fields background-color #ffffff
srlodd Odd rows in a search results list background-color #99ccff
srleven Even rows in a search results list background-color #ffffff
error_message Error messages that appear at the
top of a page
font-weight bold
color red
font-size 10pt
text-align center
padding-top 4px
buttons Buttons at the bottom of a page text-align right
lp_button List processor buttons Add, Edit, and
font-family verdana
font-size 8pt
submenu The menu items that appear down
the left side of a page and across the
top of a page
font-family verdana
font-size 10pt
font-weight bold
color white
text-decoration none
lp_table List processor data font-family verdana
font-size 10pt
font-weight normal
color black
Chapter 11. Updating the style file 111
The blqstyle.css file also sets attributes for the table and a (anchor) tags and the
pseudo-class hover for the a tag.
Table 11-2 Web Access style sheet tags
lp_row_even Even rows on a list processor table background-color #99ccff
lp_row_odd Odd rows on a list processor table background-color #ffffff
approver_table Change approver table font-family verdana
font-size 10pt
font-weight normal
color black
border-collapse separate
approved Change approver Approved status color #32CD32
pending Change approver Pending status color black
reject Change approver Reject status. color red
fft_table_with_audit_data Freeform text data for records
accessed in display mode
font-family verdana
font-size 10pt
font-weight normal
color black
border-style double
fft_table_with_audit_data_caption Freeform text field labels for records
accessed in display mode
font-family verdana
font-size 10pt
font-weight bold
color black
Class Used for Attribute Value
Tag Used for Attribute Value
table (All Web Access pages are tables. This tag controls the
table elements on the page not controlled by other styles.)
font-family verdana
font-size 10pt
color black
td.menu Formatting the text that makes up the menu across the top
of a page.
padding-top 4px
padding-bottom 5px
background-color #50589F
td.menuframe The menu down the left side of a page. vertical-align top
background-color #50589F
a a (anchor) elements that do not have a class coded. this
includes anchors, such as the record numbers in search
results lists.
color #333399
112 IBM Tivoli Web Access for Information Management
a:hover The hover pseudo-class for a (anchor) elements that don't
have a class coded. This sets the hover for anchors, such
as the record numbers in search results lists.
background-color #d3d3d3
a.submenu:hover The hover pseudo-class for a (anchor) elements that have
class=submenu. This sets the hover for the menu items
that appear down the left side of a page and across the top
of a page.
color #9fcfcf
background-color #50589F
Tag Used for Attribute Value

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