Chapter 12. Web administration 119
12.2 Procedures
Making changes in Information Management for z/OS or the Web Access environment
requires you to use Web Administration tools so that Web Access will pick up your changes.
Stopping and restarting the Web server is the equivalent of executing these tasks, since it
refreshes and reloads everything, and there are people who like to do that when they are in
test mode. But once you are in production mode, following these rules will allow you to do only
what is necessary to allow a change to take effect:
򐂰 You must select Drop HTML Cache any time you change the HTML using ISPF or FTP.
However, if you change the HTML using the HTML edit page in Web Access, Web Access
drops the HTML cache for you when you save your HTML.
򐂰 You must select Drop HTML Cache whenever you change a data attribute or validation
record that has literals (which are used to build the drop-downs). When you generate
HTML, Web Access drops the HTML cache for you.
򐂰 If you add or remove a user ID from a privilege class record, you should select Recycle
. We recommend that you remove or add all of the user IDs and then do one recycle
after you are done.
򐂰 If you add or remove a data attribute record from a data view record, you must select
Recycle HLAPI.
On the other hand, if you are just rearranging the data attribute records
in the data view and working with groups and layouts, a recycle is not needed.
򐂰 If you change the authorities in a privilege class (such as adding, updating, or removing
authority), you must select Drop Privilege Class Pool.
򐂰 If you change the configuration file, you must select Reload Configuration File. However,
if you change any of the following, you must select
Recycle HLAPI after you Reload
Configuration File:
debug api
For performance, we recommend you run BLGUT18 to build static PIDTs of your data views. If you use static
PIDTs, you must run BLGUT18 before you Recycle HLAPI (see Chapter 6, Generating user application HTML on
page 63).
120 IBM Tivoli Web Access for Information Management
򐂰 If you delete a people record for a Web user (which you can do using 3270), you must
Drop User Information Pool so that Web Access will create a new people record
for that user the next time he or she accesses the Web. Otherwise, cached user
information may be used, and the user will then receive a
Record not found message and
fail with a RC12 reason 10 when Web Access needs to access a non-cached people
record data for that user.
򐂰 If you delete a privilege class record (which you can do using 3270), you must select Drop
User Information Pool
and Drop Privilege Class Pool so that Web Access will not
attempt to use the deleted class. Be aware that if you delete a privilege class record that is
the only class for a given user, this does not prevent the user from using Web Access,
because Web Access will add the user to the default class (BLQUSER). If you want to
prevent a user from using Web Access, you should remove that users user ID from SAF
or remove that users user ID from all current privilege class records and add it to a class
that has NO authority. If Web Access finds the user in at least one class, it does not add
the user to the default class. The lack of authority in this class prevents the user from
doing anything with Web Access.
򐂰 If you receive a message on your Web browser that No sessions are available, try Free
. If this message occurs enough times, using Free Pools will lead to storage
shortages on the Web server. Having to free sessions using Free Pools indicates that an
error is occurring. Should this happen, you should review your logs and traces and correct
the indicated error.

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