288 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
Average:4 57 0.64 0.67
05:00:01 PM DEV tps blks/s
Average:dev3-0 0.87 96.40
Average:dev8-0 10.01 406.08
8.3.7 isag
The output of sar is straight text and can be very time consuming to process. Instead, the
isag command (Interactive System Activity Grapher) can show the data gathered by sar in a
graphical format (see Figure 8-5).
Figure 8-5 Paging statistics
When you start isag you must first select a data source. Click the - button to the right of data
source. A menu will appear showing the different data sources available. The data sources
are named sa01, sa02, sa03, etc., each standing for a day of the month when recorded (for
example, sa11 would mean the log file recorded on the 11th day of the current month).
However, only the last nine days are available for analysis.
The slider on the left of the window (see Figure 8-5) is used to adjust the vertical scale of the
graph. By default, isag will display the paging statistics, but you can change the view by
clicking Chart and then choosing the data you are interested in:
򐂰 I/O transfer rate
򐂰 Paging statistics
򐂰 Process creation
򐂰 Run queue
򐂰 Memory and swap
򐂰 Memory activities
򐂰 CPU utilization
򐂰 node status
򐂰 System switching
򐂰 System swapping
Chapter 8. Open system servers - Linux for xSeries 289
Paging statistics
Paging statistics has the following counters:
pgpgin/s Total number of blocks the system paged in from disk per second
pgpgout/s Total number of blocks the system paged out to disk per second
activepg Number of active (recently touched) pages in memory
inadtypg Number of inactive dirty (modified or potentially modified) pages in
inaclnpg Number of inactive clean (not modified) pages in memory
I/O transfer rate
I/O transfer rate has the following counters:
rtps Total number of read requests issued to physical disk.
wtps Total number of write requests issued to physical disk.
bread/s Total amount of data read from the drive in blocks per second. A block
is of indeterminate size.
bwrtn/s Total amount of data written to the drive in blocks per second.
Figure 8-6 illustrates a sample I/O transfer rate graphic report.
Figure 8-6 I/O transfer rate report
Run Queue
Run Queue has the following counters:
runq-sz Run queue length (number of processes waiting for runtime)
plist-sz Number of processes in the process list
Note: isag keeps data for only one week. After one week, the collected data for the
seventh day will be deleted. This might not be enough to do a proper bottleneck analysis or
to make a trend analysis of the server.
290 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
ldavg-1 System load average for the last minute
ldavg-5 System load average for the last five minutes
Figure 8-7 illustrates a sample Run Queue graphic report.
Figure 8-7 Run Queue report
Memory and Swap
Memory and Swap has the following counters:
kbmemfree Amount of free memory in KB
kbmemused Amount of used memory in KB (without memory used by the kernel)
kbmemshrd Amount of memory shared by the system in KB (always 0 with kernel
kbbuffers Amount of memory used as buffers
kbcached Amount of memory used for caching
kbswpfree Amount of free swap space
kbswpused Amount of used swap space
Figure 8-8 on page 291 illustrates a sample Memory and Swap graphic report.
Chapter 8. Open system servers - Linux for xSeries 291
Figure 8-8 Memory and Swap report
Memory Activities
Memory Activities has the following counters:
frmpg/s Number of memory pages freed by the system per second. (A
negative value represents the number of pages allocated by the
shmpg/s Number of additional memory pages shared by the system per
second. A negative value means fewer pages shared by the system.
bufpg/s Number of additional memory pages used as buffers by the system
per second. A negative value means fewer pages used as buffers by
the system.
camp/s Number of additional memory pages cached by the system per
second. A negative value means fewer pages in the cache.
Figure 8-9 on page 292 illustrates a sample Memory Activities graphic report.
292 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
Figure 8-9 Memory Activities report
CPU Utilization
CPU Utilization has the following counters:
%user Percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user
level application)
%nice Percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user
level with nice priority
%system Percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the
system level (kernel)
Figure 8-10 on page 293 illustrates a sample CPU Utilization graphic report.

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