358 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
10.1 Overview
With its new and unique architecture, the DS6000 provides a high level of performance
across all the server platforms it attaches to.
Specifically for the zSeries servers, the DS6000 is a disk subsystem with a very good price
performance ratio. It should be able to handle sequential workload better than an ESS 800,
like data mining and work volumes. Large database applications do not work as well on the
DS6000, in which case you will need to use a DS8000.
The DS6000 features that have performance implications in the application I/O activity are
described in the following sections:
򐂰 Parallel Access Volumes
򐂰 Multiple Allegiance
򐂰 I/O Priority Queuing
򐂰 Logical volume sizes
In the following sections of this chapter we describe these DS6000 features and discuss how
they can be used to boost the performance of your zSeries environment.
10.2 Parallel Access Volumes
Parallel Access Volume (PAV) is one of the original features that the ESS provides specifically
for the z/OS users. Simply stated, PAV allows multiple concurrent I/Os to the same volume at
the same time from applications running on the same z/OS system image. This concurrency
helps zSeries applications better share the same logical volumes with reduced contention.
The ability to send multiple concurrent I/O requests to the same volume nearly eliminates I/O
queuing in the operating system, thus reducing I/O responses times.
Traditionally, access to highly active volumes has involved manual tuning, splitting data across
multiple volumes, and more things in order to avoid those hot spots. With PAV and the z/OS
Workload Manager, you can now almost forget about manual device level performance tuning
or optimizers. The Workload Manager is able to automatically tune your PAV configuration
and adjust it to workload changes. The DS6000 in conjunction with z/OS has the ability to
meet the highest performance requirements.
PAV is implemented by defining alias addresses to the conventional base address. The alias
address provides the mechanism for z/OS to initiate parallel I/O to a volume. As its name
implies, an alias is just another address/UCB that can be used to access the volume defined
on the base address. An alias can only be associated with a base address defined in the
same LCU. The maximum number of addresses you can define in an LCU is 256.
Theoretically you can define 1 base address plus 255 aliases in an LCU.
10.2.1 Static and dynamic PAVs
Aliases are initially defined to be associated to a certain base address. In a static PAV
environment, the alias is always associated to the same base address, while in a dynamic
PAV environment, an alias can be reassigned to any base address as need dictates.
With dynamic PAV, you do not need to assign as many aliases in an LCU as compared to a
static PAV environment, because the aliases will be moved around to the base addresses that
need an extra alias to satisfy an I/O request.

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