Chapter 7. Clustering WebSphere Everyplace Access nodes 269
7. Save the configuration properties file.
8. On the WebSphere Application Server computer, begin the server
configuration by entering the following command from the
install_root/WebSphere/IBMSyncServer/config directory:
ESSWASconfig.bat server-config
9. To verify a successful install, open the logs/ConfigTrace.log file and see if the
BUILD SUCCESSFUL message appears near the end of the file.
If the build is successful, regenerate the Web server Plug-in as described in the
next section.
7.5.4 Regenerating the plug-in configuration
On the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment node, use the
WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console to regenerate the Web
server plug-in.
1. Login to the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.
2. Select Environment
Update Web Server Plug-in.
3. Click OK.
If you are using a remote Web server, copy the updated plug-in configuration file
to the external Web server's plug-in configuration directory. You can find the
plug-in configuration file in the following directory, where cell_name is the current
cell name:
7.5.5 Recycling the Deployment Manager
To recycle the Deployment Manager:
1. Stop the node agent on the WebSphere Portal and WebSphere Application
Server nodes. The command for stopping the node agent is:
WASHOME\bin\stopNode.bat -username was_admin_id -pasword password
2. Stop the Deployment Manager on the WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment node. The command for stopping the deployment
manager is:
NDHOME\bin\stopManager -username was_admin -pasword password
3. Start the Deployment Manager on the WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment node. The command for starting the deployment
manager is:

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