24 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
Intelligent Notification SMS delivery channel
You use this channel to receive notification using SMS to a phone. The same
fields that are defined in the Intelligent Notification WAP delivery channel
apply to this delivery channel.
Intelligent Notification AOL delivery channel
WebSphere Everyplace Access incorporates a portlet for communicating with
AOL users.
Other predefined portlets for delivery channels include:
Intelligent Notification Pager delivery channel
Intelligent Notification Voice delivery channel
Intelligent Notification BlackBerry delivery channel
For each delivery channel, more than one personalized delivery channel can be
added. For example, if you have two telephone numbers, a business number and
a personal number, you could configure the delivery channel such that you
receive notifications on your business number during working hours and
notifications to you personal number at other times.
Note: This option is only available when WebSphere Everyplace
Connection Manager has been set up to work with WebSphere Everyplace
Note: This option is only available when WebSphere Everyplace
Connection Manager has been set up to work with WebSphere Everyplace