20 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
1.4.1 My Delivery channels
One of the first things a user wants is to receive notification of events, messages,
and so forth. In order to do so, you have to select the mechanism which the
system uses for notification. Several portlets are provided:
򐂰 Intelligent Notification Sametime delivery channel
You use the Sametime delivery channel when you want notification through
Lotus Sametime (even Mobile Sametime).
Figure 1-6 Sametime delivery channel
To create a delivery channel, select Add delivery Channel, as shown in
Figure 1-6. The screen in Figure 1-7 on page 21 appears.
Chapter 1. Intelligent Notification Services 21
Figure 1-7 Creating a new Sametime delivery channel
You supply the following data:
Delivery channel name, which refers to the name that you see when
performing other options.
Sametime ID, which is the identification already created on the Sametime
Stop delivery, which is optional. If you do not want notification using this
channel, even if you are connected, set the start and end time here. You
can select several time slots. If you receive a message during any other
time, you are notified.
򐂰 Intelligent Notification Message Center delivery channel
One mechanism for communicating notifications is the Message Center. The
Message Center allows you to route all the events, alerts, messages, and so
forth to a portlet where you can see all the messages. You can find this portlet
on the Setup page, as shown in Figure 1-8 on page 22.
22 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
Figure 1-8 Message Center delivery channel
In the figure, you can see that two different delivery channels have been
defined for the Message Center delivery channel. If you select Add Delivery
Channel, you have to provide the name of the delivery channel, and
optionally, the stop delivery times.
򐂰 Intelligent Notification SMTP e-mail delivery channel
You can receive notification via the e-mail delivery channel. Select the
Intelligent Notification Mail delivery channel portlet, and click Add Delivery
In this portlet you have to select the destination e-mail address where the
notification must be sent. Optionally, you can select the Stop delivery feature.
Chapter 1. Intelligent Notification Services 23
򐂰 Intelligent Notification WAP delivery channel
If you have a WAP-enabled telephone, you can have messages forwarded to
that telephone. You can set up this option using the screen shown in
Figure 1-9.
Figure 1-9 Creating a new WAP delivery channel
The fields included in this screen are:
Delivery channel name, which is the external name for the delivery
WAP Address Type, which is either Telephone Number or IP Address.
WAP Address Value, which is the value for Telephone Number or IP
address, depending on your selection in the previous field. The portlet
does not validate these values.
Stop delivery, which is optional. If you do not want notification using this
channel, even if you are connected, set the start and end time here. You
can select several time slots. If you receive a message during any other
time, you are notified.
24 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
򐂰 Intelligent Notification SMS delivery channel
You use this channel to receive notification using SMS to a phone. The same
fields that are defined in the Intelligent Notification WAP delivery channel
apply to this delivery channel.
򐂰 Intelligent Notification AOL delivery channel
WebSphere Everyplace Access incorporates a portlet for communicating with
AOL users.
Other predefined portlets for delivery channels include:
򐂰 Intelligent Notification Pager delivery channel
򐂰 Intelligent Notification Voice delivery channel
򐂰 Intelligent Notification BlackBerry delivery channel
For each delivery channel, more than one personalized delivery channel can be
added. For example, if you have two telephone numbers, a business number and
a personal number, you could configure the delivery channel such that you
receive notifications on your business number during working hours and
notifications to you personal number at other times.
Note: This option is only available when WebSphere Everyplace
Connection Manager has been set up to work with WebSphere Everyplace
Note: This option is only available when WebSphere Everyplace
Connection Manager has been set up to work with WebSphere Everyplace

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