Chapter 2. Simple notifications 71
Figure 2-3 Location of JSP files
2.2.3 Running the sample scenario
To deploy and run the simple notification portlet:
1. From WebSphere Studio, export the project into an external WAR file.
2. Log in to the Portal server as Administrator, where the sample portlet runs
and installs the portlet using the WAR file that you created earlier.
3. Add the portlet to a page as illustrated in Figure 2-4 on page 72 (from a Web
browser) and Figure 2-5 on page 72 (from a PDA browser).
72 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
Figure 2-4 Simple notification portlet (from a Web browser)
Figure 2-5 Simple notification portlet (from a PDA browser)
Chapter 2. Simple notifications 73
Sending a simple notification to a user
Once the sample portlet has been deployed, execute the following steps to send
simple notifications:
1. Login to the Portal server where simple notification portlet has been installed.
2. Go to the page where portlet is located.
3. Fill out the simple notification form.
The sender can be any identification string. In this example it is called the
tester user.
Select the user ID option
The recipient must be an Intelligent Notification Services user in the
WebSphere Everyplace Access server. In this example the user ID is
Write a subject and a message content.
4. Send the message (Figure 2-6 on page 74)
Note: For more information about portlet installation procedures, refer to IBM
WebSphere Everyplace Access V5 Handbook for Developers and
Administrators, Volume I: Installation and Administration, SG24-6462.
74 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
Figure 2-6 Sending a simple notification to an Intelligent Notification Services user
5. Log in to the WebSphere Everyplace Access server as the message recipient
user (in this example GRB) and review the Message Center, e-mail and
Sametime delivery channels.
6. The message appears in the selected delivery channels. Figure 2-7 illustrates
the notification in the Message Center delivery channel.
Figure 2-7 Message Center delivery channel
7. Figure 2-8 on page 75 illustrates the notification in the E-mail delivery
Chapter 2. Simple notifications 75
Figure 2-8 E-mail delivery channel
8. Figure 2-9 illustrates the notification in the Sametime delivery channel.
Figure 2-9 Sametime delivery channel
Sending a simple notification to a user group
To send a simple notification to a user group, follow these steps:
1. Log in to the Portal where simple notification portlet has been installed.
2. Go to the page where the portlet is located.

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