Chapter 2. Simple notifications 73
Sending a simple notification to a user
Once the sample portlet has been deployed, execute the following steps to send
simple notifications:
1. Login to the Portal server where simple notification portlet has been installed.
2. Go to the page where portlet is located.
3. Fill out the simple notification form.
– The sender can be any identification string. In this example it is called the
tester user.
– Select the user ID option
– The recipient must be an Intelligent Notification Services user in the
WebSphere Everyplace Access server. In this example the user ID is
– Write a subject and a message content.
4. Send the message (Figure 2-6 on page 74)
Note: For more information about portlet installation procedures, refer to IBM
WebSphere Everyplace Access V5 Handbook for Developers and
Administrators, Volume I: Installation and Administration, SG24-6462.