138 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
3.6 Running the sample scenario
The following is a sample situation to show how the sample subscription portlet
works to generate subscription-based notifications:
򐂰 User ID (subscriber): GRB. It must be an Intelligent Notification Services user.
򐂰 Subscription: Monitoring Notification.
򐂰 Subscription filter: The user wants to be informed if at least one server has
the HTTP service down.
򐂰 Servers to be monitored:
An existing server, for example: www.ibm.com®
A nonexistent server, for example: www.mysampledomain.com
򐂰 Delivery options:
Notification: Always.
All of the selected delivery channels.
Delivery channels: Message Center.
򐂰 WebSphere Everyplace Access server name: wea5d.
򐂰 Socket port: 55021.
To run this scenario:
1. Start the monitoring content adapter application, including the correct socket
port number in the property file. This procedure is described in 3.3.4,
“Deploying a content adapter” on page 94.
2. Start the monitoring content source program, including the server names that
are specified and the correct WebSphere Everyplace Access server and
socket port to establish communication with the content adapter. This
procedure is described in 3.3.2, “Deploying a content source program” on
page 87.
In this example, because one of the monitored servers does not exist, the
content source sends the message “At least one server is Down” to the
content adapter, as shown in Figure 3-11 on page 139.
Chapter 3. Subscription-based notifications 139
Figure 3-11 Monitoring content source program
3. Log on in WebSphere Everyplace Access server as GRB. Go to Intelligent
Notification Section
My Subscriptions.
4. Add a new subscription, a shown in Figure 3-12, by following these steps:
a. Select At least one server is Down.
b. Select Notification Always.
c. Check the option All of the selected delivery channels and select the
delivery channels that you want to receive notification.
d. Click OK.
Figure 3-12 Monitoring notification subscription
140 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
The notification will arrive at the delivery channels that are selected, as shown in
Figure 3-13, Figure 3-14, and Figure 3-15 on page 141.
Figure 3-13 Monitoring notification in Message Center delivery channel
Figure 3-14 Monitoring notification in e-mail delivery channel
Chapter 3. Subscription-based notifications 141
Figure 3-15 Monitoring notification in Sametime delivery channel
142 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics

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