144 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
4.1 Overview of server-initiated actions
There are two ways of using the server-initiated actions (SIA) feature:
Users want to synchronize their devices automatically when a particular mail
is received (for example, when they receive an urgent mail from their
manager). In such cases, only e-mail synchronization is requested.
The administrator wants a given user, or group of users, to have their devices
synchronized (for example, the administrator wants a Device Manager
Services (DMS) job to run on their devices. The solicited synchronizations
– DMS synchronization
– DB2e synchronization
– Offline synchronization
– PIM synchronization
– e-mail synchronization
– All synchronizations
4.1.1 Description of server-initiated actions
Server-initiated actions work on top of Intelligent Notification Services and
consist of the following:
An SIA delivery channel. This special delivery channel receives notifications
from Intelligent Notification Services as a regular delivery channel. It then
feeds transformed SIA notifications back into Intelligent Notification Services.
This delivery channel has the following components:
– The SIA channel adapter receives regular Intelligent Notification Services
notification messages and translates them into the proper SIA format to be
sent to the device. This channel adapter is used as a normal channel
adapter in WebSphere Everyplace Access.
– The SIA user delivery channel portlet allows the user to configure the SIA
notification channels.
An administrative portlet. This portlet allows an administrator to send SIA
notifications to users or group of users.
Note: The SIA function does not ensure delivery of the notification. If the
notification is not delivered, it is discarded and not retried.