Chapter 5. Location Aware Services 171
5.4.1 The Manage Services portlet
The Manage Services portlet is used to add, activate, prioritize, and configure
the services of the mapping information providers (Figure 5-9). Before
configuring services, you need to subscribe to the service and set up an account.
Figure 5-9 Manage Services portlet
Configuring a service
To configure a service, select the properties icon for the service that you want to
configure. This action takes you to a configuration page where you can enter
your account information (Figure 5-10 on page 172). The basic information you
need is:
򐂰 clientName
򐂰 clientPassword
This information should have been supplied by the mapping information service
provider at the time the account was opened. Additional information, such as
172 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
coverage region, might also have been provided. However, in most cases, the
three fields mentioned above are all that you need to get started.
Figure 5-10 Configure a service
Adding a custom service provider
Adding a new service provider involves developing a new adapter for the service
provider and then adding them into the Location Aware Services. For example, to
add a new service in WebSphere Everyplace Access, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Manage Services page (Figure 5-9 on page 171).
2. Click Add. The window shown in Figure 5-11 on page 173 appears.
Chapter 5. Location Aware Services 173
Figure 5-11 Adding a service
3. Enter the following details for this service:
Service Name.
Provider Name.
Service Type. The service type has to be one of the six service types that
WebSphere Everyplace Access supports.
Coverage Region type. If a polygon is selected as the coverage region
type, you need a customized Graphical Markup Language (GML) file.
174 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
4. Click Next. The window shown in Figure 5-12 appears.
Figure 5-12 Order of service availability
5. Select the order of the availability. The Location Aware Services engine
searches for the services based on this order. If you want your service to be
searched first, move your service to the top of the list. Click Next. The
window shown in Figure 5-13 on page 175 appears.
Note: For more information about GML, see the Open GIS Consortium
Web site:
Chapter 5. Location Aware Services 175
Figure 5-13 Adding properties
6. Add the properties for the service configuration profile. Service configuration
profile properties are used to describe the characteristics of the service. The
Location Aware application can use the profile to select the services that it
uses. For example, coverageRegion, providerName, and serviceType are
service parameters that you can enter here. The properties should be entered
as key-value pairs. Enter the key and value and click Add a key-value pair to
add the properties. To modify the properties, the key-value pair has to be
removed and added again.
7. Add the properties for the service provider configuration profile. These
properties are used to initialize the adapter. For example, the URL of the
service provider, clientName, clientPassword, and userLanguagePreference
are service provider parameters. The properties are entered as key-value
pairs. Click OK.

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