SG24-6496-00 ISBN 0738491071
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IBM Workplace Client Technology
Micro Edition Version 5.7.1:
Application Development
and Case Study
Develop applications
using WebSphere
Studio Device
Extend enterprise
applications to
mobile devices
Learn about SMF as
an implementation of
This IBM Redbook covers end-to-end pervasive solutions and
provides the implementation guidelines necessary for architects and
application developers. Workplace Client Technology Micro Edition
(WCTME) is an integrated platform for the extension of existing
enterprise applications to server-managed client devices such as
desktop and mobile computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs),
and other mobile and pervasive devices.
This redbook provides an implementation of pervasive client
functions and their interaction with corresponding servers. It also
includes information about the use of tools for development and
deployment of an end-to-end pervasive solution, including
integration considerations and application scenarios between
enterprise pervasive clients, pervasive middleware and
corresponding server based applications. You will find information
about using tools for implementation of functions that are essential
in a pervasive solution for the whole architecture such as
fundamentals of programming models, capabilities provided by
WCTME tooling and runtime, tooling structure and flow, wizards and
code generation, platform configuration and deployment.
A basic knowledge of Java programming, Java technologies and
Java open standards such as OSGi is assumed.
Back cover
(0.5” spine)
250 <-> 459 pages
WCTME: Application Development and Case Study

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