Chapter 2. The Case Study: ITSO Car Rentals 23
2.1.3 Design decisions
Look back at Figure 2-1 on page 20 to see how we got to some of the design
points we did. The first thing is that the presentation for this project is a Web
container, or browser. We could have chosen to use a rich user interface and
written core Java J2ME code using, say, the Foundation Profile with a widget
toolkit such as AWT. The reasons for our choosing a browser design are:
1. The eRCP and eSWT runtimes are not yet available in a publicly released
product. They are in the technical preview only stage as we write this book.
2. MIDP, while it has a layout and presentation model, does not have a rich
enough API set for server side data access (JDBC, MQe and so on.
3. The Web container is a simpler UI programming model. The focus of this case
study is using the technology, and is not really concerned with the UI
technologies themselves, especially since the UI runtime picture is not yet
So we have a Web container presentation, using a number of services for data
access, server communication and data synchronization.
Next, we have decided that offline operation is required, so we need to have data
on the device. This makes us decide which database technology to use. The
WCTME stack supports both Cloudscape as well sd DB2 in this environment.
Because JDBC is the access method, the decision points come down to cost and
size. You will of course need to do your own evaluations, but the significant
differences between Cloudscape and DB2 in this case are that while Cloudscape
is open source and less expensive, it is also a bigger footprint on the device, and
being open source, reliability, scalability, and maintenance could come into
question. DB2 on the other hand, is a more battle-tested product, is backed by
the IBM Corporation and is a much smaller footprint. The trade-off here is it is
more expensive. Note there is no quantitative information in these statements.
They are designed to be generic statements to give you ideas in what to look for
without putting any bias one way or the other into your heads. Also, these are the
larger examples. There are many more differences between the two, so you
should thoroughly evaluate your choices with respect to your requirements and
environment. In the case study, we have chosen DB2 Everyplace (DB2e) on the
device for this example.
Looking at Figure 2-1 on page 20, you can see that DB2e is on the client device,
and a DB2 synchronization server is on the back end. The team decided that
real-time access to live, service-side customer and rental records is not required.
The signal in and around airports can be spotty, and while the car rental records
are updated often, it is not likely that a customer on the airplane already, will
need to have their record updated. A periodic synchronization is all that is
needed. In some instances, daily synchronization is all that is needed. This