50 WCTME: Application Development and Case Study
3.3.1 Description
In this section we will create a simple bundle that contains the Customer class for
our sample application.
This bundle will be used by other bundles in the application, so it will expose the
Java class we will create.
We will also create another bundle to test the customer bundle.
The Customer Class
For our sample application, our Customer only has a few fields. These fields in
Example 3-1 will later map to database tables in Chapter 4, “Database” on
page 83.
Example 3-1 Customer class fields
String contractID = "";
String customerID = "";
String firstName = "";
String lastName = "";
String flightInfo = "";
String currentStatus = "";
String vehicleLocation = "";
3.3.2 Procedure
In each chapter where we develop a portion of the sample application we will
include the steps necessary to create that bundle.
The completed bundles are available for download from IBM if you do not want to
complete the steps manually. See the Additional Material section for more
Each chapter does build on the previous chapter, and some screen shots are not
duplicated in future chapters, so it might be necessary to look to previous
chapters for complete examples of each step.
First we need to create a Bundle Project to hold the Customer class.
1. If WebSphere Studio Site Developer is not running, click Start → Programs
→ IBM WebSphere Studio → Site Developer 5.1.x.
2. Open the SMF Perspective. Select Window → Open Perspective → SMF.
See Figure 3-2 on page 51.