Chapter 4. Database 89
For stand-alone demonstrations, we implement a method to insert local pictures
into the database and another method to reset the database for the next demo.
4.4.2 Configuring a development system for DB2e and DB2e Sync
In this section, we describe the steps to configure a window development system
for DB2e and DB2e Sync.
Before you begin
Before your DB2e application can run in the development environment and find
the native DB2e drivers, some configuration is necessary.
1. For local DB2e database access, add the DB2e drivers to your system path.
They can be found in the directory:
C:\Program Files\IBM\DeviceDeveloper\wsdd\wsdd5.0\technologies\ese\files
2. For DB2e sync, add the DB2e drivers to your system path. They can be found
in the directory:
C:\Program Files\IBM\DeviceDeveloper\wsdd\wsdd5.0\technologies\ese\files
3. On your development system’s desktop, right-click My Computer and select
4. Select the Advanced tab and click the Environment Variables button.
5. Highlight PATH under System Variables and click Edit.
6. Add these directories, separated by a semicolon:
C:\Program Files\IBM\DeviceDeveloper\wsdd5.0\technologies\eswe\files\
db2e\win32\x86;C:\Program Files\IBM\DeviceDeveloper\wsdd5.0\technologies\
7. Click OK, then click OK again to save and close the properties window.
8. If it is currently running, restart WebSphere Studio so that the change will
become effective immediately.
Configuring the bundles
First we need to create a Bundle Project to hold the database classes.
1. If WebSphere Studio Site Developer is not running, click Start →
Programs → IBM WebSphere Studio → Site Developer 5.1.x.
2. Open the SMF Perspective. Select Window → Open Perspective → SMF.
3. Make sure you are in the Package Explorer tab. Select File → New →