Chapter 6. Web Services 173
34.Select the packages and and
click OK.
35.Expand the section Import Services and select Add...
36.Select the service and click OK.
37.Save the file.
6.5 Creating the FlightInfoWebServiceClient Bundle
The bundle we created above is a Web Service. Now we will create a client
bundle that calls this Web Service.
To perform this step, the Web Service created in the previous section needs to
be running:
1. If it is not running, start the SMF bundle server. For help see section 3.4,
“Starting the SMF Bundle Server” on page 70.
2. Submit the FlightInfoWebServiceBundle to the bundle server. For help see
section 3.8, “Submitting bundles to the SMF bundle server” on page 77.
3. If it is not running, start the SMF runtime. For help see section 3.5, “Starting
the SMF Runtime” on page 73.
4. In the Package Explorer pane, select the SMF Bundle Servers tab. Under
the Admin@localhost:8080/smf, expand the Bundles tree.
5. Right-click the FlightInfoWebServiceBundle bundle, and select Install.
The local Web Service bundle and any bundles it requires will be installed into
the runtime and the bundles will be started.
Note: The packages and might
already have been added automatically, or you can press the Compute
button to fill in the list.
Attention: Before completing the next section, make sure the Web Service is
running. Open a browser and point it to
http://localhost:6080/ws/pid/flightInfo?wsdl. The browser should show
the wsdl for the Web Service.

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