Chapter 9. Domino integration 279
To make user authentication match with the available employee data, open the repository
database and edit / create some users applying in the Notes Username field the valid user
name from the address book like this (Figure 9-3).
Figure 9-3 Assign valid Notes Usernames to the employees
Building the databases up from scratch, enter some sample data after finishing the form and
view design in the Repository Database.
9.5 Domino development
There are several parts to create for Domino integration. We will use Notes @Formula,
LotusScript, and Java to create all the necessary code. The development part will contain the
following phases:
򐂰 Creating necessary static forms and views.
򐂰 Creating XFDLRendering form used to process data prepopulation
򐂰 Creating a servlet that will receive the submitted form (extract data and store form and
򐂰 Creating some dedicated views with links, creating new documents from the template, or
opening existing XFDL forms
򐂰 Providing Web services needed to supply the product and customer data.
A main guideline for this chapter was not to write code related to a specific form. Instead we
will see code processing a whole class of templates, which will then be parameterized to the
needs of a specific form. This will be valid for the modules creating forms from templates (and
prepopulating them with data) and receiving submitted forms for data retrieval and data
9.5.1 Repository database
The repository database contains some external data, that we will access (read) while
creating forms or working on forms. There is no sophisticated logic in the database. We have
to compose just a few forms to store the data (Employees, customers and items) and some
views to list them for lookup-purpose.
280 IBM Workplace Forms: Guide to Building and Integrating a Sample Workplace Forms Application
All Forms used in the repository database (employee data, customer data and product data)
are quite simple; just store the necessary fields in the form. The only relevant field in the
Notes Username is employee data. Make the field a Names field ready to pick up names from
a directory. We need to store the names in full cannonicalized form (such as CN=Andreas
Richter/OU=DEP12/O=ACME) to match the user name available in the session when the
user authenticates. Some samples for form design (make sure to match the form name and
the field names in your application) are shown in Figure 9-4, Figure 9-5, and Figure 9-6.
Figure 9-4 Form Customer
Figure 9-5 Form Employee
Figure 9-6 Form Item
Create some maintenance views for each form sorted by the corresponding ID field. We will
use these views for the Web services to look up detail data. In addition, we need one lookup
view for employee data by name:
View (luEmployeesByNotesName) sorted ba the Notes Username field, second column
shows @Text(@DocumentUniqueID)
Now enter some sample data.
Chapter 9. Domino integration 281
Web services
There are potentially three Web services to create (for employee data, customer data, and
product catalog). We will show here only the creation of one Web service — CustomerInfo.
The other Web services can be created the same way.
First we will take a bottom up approach to create a WSDL file based on a class. Next we will
adopt the file and create the final Web service implementation in “Top Down” mode using the
changed WSDL file.
Open the repository database in the Domino Designer,
Shared Code / WebServices pane.
Click the New WebService button, name it CustomerInfo, and close the property box (there is
no portType class entered for now). See Figure 9-7.
Figure 9-7 CustomerInfo Web service properties
Apply the Option Declare Statement in (Options) and create in (Declarations) the following
classes representing the customer object and all its attributes we will maintain (Example 9-1).
Example 9-1 Code listing of declarations for customer object
’this class will define the customer object and its attributes
Public CUST_ID As String
Public CUST_NAME As String
Public CUST_AMGR As String
Public CUST_CRM_NO As String
End Sub
End Class
Class CustomerInfo
’this class defines the web service methods (get List and get detail data)
End Sub
Function GETCUSTOMERLIST(FILTER As String) As String
'this function will return the filtered customer list as string
End Function
'this function will return customer detail data for one selected customer

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