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Chapter 5. Building the base scenario:
Stage 2
In this chapter we extend the base J2EE scenario we created in Chapter 4, “Building the base
scenario: Stage 1” on page 53. We are now adding a DB2 environment. The reason for this is
to take into consideration the potential data growth and subsequent server performance
implications when storing a huge amount of large XDFL files on the file system. Storing the
forms in DB2 gives you scalability, reliability, and database search capabilities.
We describe the following topics:
Installing DB2 clients and servers
Creating and populating DB2 tables
Developing a DB2 data access layer
Working with Web services
Using the Workplace Forms API
Creating JSPs to view DB2 data
Note: The code used for building this sample scenario application is available for
download. For specific information about how to download the sample code, please refer to
Appendix A, “Additional material” on page 333.
Note: All specific examples shown and used when building the sample scenario
application are based on the codebase for IBM Workplace Forms Release 2.5.