Object tracking

WE HAVE SEEN THE BENEFITS OF OBJECT RECOGNITION, with ­associated tracking being an associated tool and advantage. This is a topic of increasing interest, as shown by recent reports of activity in capturing the market with applications that focus on unstructured data.


Gartner, Inc. has identified what it believes will be the most important mobile applications in 2012. Focusing on high-end devices with an average selling price (ASP) of more than $300, analysts have identified the top ten cutting-edge technologies and trends for 2012. Among these is object recognition (OR).

High-end devices have an increased sensor and processing capability that enable sophisticated applications to recognize the user's surroundings, including specific objects of interest. Because OR provides an easy-to-use interface, more apps will come to the market with enhanced capabilities by 2012. Users will rely on the camera, as well as other device sensors as a communication tool when OR ­capabilities are combined with more-traditional app functions, giving users advanced search capabilities and a plethora of entertainment and productivity functionality.

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LexisNexis (, a company providing computer-assisted legal research services, recently picked enterprise software company ­MarkLogic to power components ...

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