iLife '04: The Missing Manual

Book description

iLife '04: The Missing Manual gives you everything you need to unleash your creative genius with iLife '04, a suite of five programs (available at the Apple store and preinstalled on all new Macs) that is revolutionizing the way we work--and play. Everybody's talking about Apple's unparalleled software package for digital music, photography, video, and DVD creation:

  • iTunes 4.6 is digital jukebox software for Mac (and even Windows!) that rips songs from your music CDs onto your hard drive, organizes and plays your music collection, lets you buy songs from the iTunes Music Store, and syncs all your music with your iPod.

  • iPhoto 4 pulls photos from your digital camera and then helps you organize and present them--as a slideshow, Desktop picture, screen saver, email attachment, Web page, DVD, printout, or hardbound photo book.

  • iMovie 4 turns those old, seemingly endless home movies that bore everyone to tears into short, fun, tightly edited highlight reels that friends and family actually beg to watch.

  • iDVD 4 transforms your iMovie productions and digital slideshows into Hollywood-style DVDs that play on everyday DVD players.

  • GarageBand is the all-new program that turns your Mac into a digital music-recording studio.

David Pogue, computer columnist for the New York Times and creator of our Missing Manual series (you know, those indispensable books that should have been in the box), wants to make sure there's nothing standing between you and professional-caliber music, photos, movies, and more. His authoritative, witty, all-inclusive iLife '04: The Missing Manual gives you the essentials of every program in the iLife '04 suite. Pogue highlights the newest features and improvements, covers the capabilities and limitations of each program, and delivers, in one volume, countless goodies you won't find anywhere else: undocumented tips, tricks, and secrets for getting the very best performance out of each and all of these life-changing new applications. iLife '04: The Missing Manual: it's your guide to livin the iLife!

Table of contents

  1. iLife ’04: The Missing Manual
    1. Copyright
    2. The Missing Credits
      1. About the Authors
      2. About the Creative Team
      3. Acknowledgments
      4. The Missing Manual Series
    3. Introduction
      1. iLife Integration
        1. The iTunes Selection Panel
        2. Check Your Spelling
        3. The Color Picker
        4. Preferences
      2. About This Book
        1. About the Outline
        2. About → These → Arrows
        3. About
      3. The Very Basics
    4. I. iTunes 4
      1. 1. Getting Music Into iTunes
        1. A Quick Tour
          1. Window Fun
            1. Minimizing the window
        2. Music from CDs
          1. Phase 1: Choose an Audio File Format
            1. MP3
            2. AAC
            3. WAV
            4. AIFF
            5. Audible
            6. Apple Lossless Encoder
          2. Phase 2: Choose a Bit Rate
          3. Phase 3: Download Song Names and Track Information
            1. The manual method
            2. The online way
          4. Phase 4: Convert the Song to a Digital Audio File
          5. Phase 4: Add Cover Artwork
            1. Adding an image to an individual song: drag-and-drop method
            2. Adding an image to an individual song: dialog box method
            3. Adding an image to an entire album
        3. Importing Other Music Files into iTunes
      2. 2. Getting Music Out of iTunes
        1. Playing Music
          1. Visuals
          2. Keyboard Control
          3. Shuffle, Repeat
          4. The Graphic Equalizer
          5. Preventing Ear-Blast Syndrome
        2. Internet Radio
        3. Burning a CD or DVD
        4. CD Covers and Printed Playlists
        5. Playing Songs Across a Network
          1. Preparing to Share
          2. Sharing Your Own Music
          3. Listening to Someone Else’s Tunes
          4. Turning Off Music Sharing
        6. AirPort Express and AirTunes
      3. 3. Managing Your Music
        1. Deleting Songs
        2. Searching for Songs
          1. The Browser
        3. Ratings
        4. Song Information
        5. Converting Between File Formats
        6. Joining Tracks
        7. Start and Stop Times for Songs
        8. Playlists
          1. Making a New Playlist
          2. Modifying a Playlist
            1. Deleting a Playlist
          3. Smart Playlists
      4. 4. The iTunes Music Store
        1. Welcome to the Music Store
        2. A Store Tour
          1. Setting Up an Account
          2. The Shopping Cart
        3. Searching and Shopping
          1. Adjusting the Columns
          2. Buying a Song or Album
          3. Publishing Your Own Playlists (iMixes)
          4. Gift Certificates
            1. Spending
          5. iTunes Allowance Accounts
          6. The Interrupted Download
          7. Signing Out
          8. Locating Your New Tracks
        4. What to Do with Music You’ve Bought
          1. Play It on Five Computers
            1. Authorizing Computers
            2. Deauthorizing Computers
        5. Copy It to Your iPod
          1. Burn It to a CD
          2. Share it Across the Network
          3. Back It Up
            1. Backing up your music library
            2. Backing up playlists
            3. Backing up non-music data
        6. Music Store Billing
          1. The Customer Service Page
          2. Your Purchase History
        7. “Books on Tape” from Audible
          1. Formats within formats
      5. 5. The iPod Connection
        1. Your Very First Sync
        2. Variations on the Auto-Transfer Theme
          1. Stop Auto-Opening iTunes
          2. Transfer Only Some Songs
            1. Complete automatic synchronization
            2. Sync up selected playlists only
            3. Manually manage songs and playlists
        3. The Unspeakable Act: iPod to Mac Copying
          1. The Hidden World of the iPod
            1. iPod Viewer
            2. OmniWeb
            3. iPod.iTunes
            4. TinkerTool
    5. II. iPhoto
      1. 6. Camera Meets Mac
        1. iPhoto Arrives
        2. Getting Your Pictures into iPhoto
          1. Connecting with a USB Camera
          2. USB Card Readers
          3. Importing Photos from Non-USB Cameras
          4. Importing Existing Graphics Files
          5. The File Format Factor
        3. The Post-Dump Slideshow
        4. Where iPhoto Keeps Your Files
            1. What all those numbers mean
            2. Other folders in the iPhoto Library
            3. Folders inside the year/month/date folders
            4. Look, don’t touch
      2. 7. The Digital Shoebox
        1. The Source List
          1. Photo Library
          2. Photo Library by Year
          3. Photo Library by Month
          4. Last Roll
          5. Other Icons in the Source List
        2. More on Film Rolls
            1. Displaying film rolls
            2. Creating film rolls manually
            3. Renaming and dating film rolls
        3. Working with Your Photos
          1. Scrolling Through Your Photos
          2. Size Control
          3. Selecting Photos
          4. Opening Photos
            1. The better way to open photos
            2. Another way to zoom
            3. Zoom where you want to zoom
        4. Titles, Dates, and Comments
          1. Photo Titles
            1. Changing titles en masse
          2. Photo Dates
            1. Adding comments to photos, albums, or film rolls
            2. Comments as captions
        5. The Photo Info Window
        6. Rate Your Photos
        7. Deleting Photos
            1. The iPhoto Trash
        8. Albums
          1. Creating an Album by Clicking
          2. Creating an Album by Dragging
          3. Creating an Album by Selecting
          4. Adding More Photos
          5. Viewing an Album
          6. Moving Photos Between Albums
          7. Removing Photos from an Album
          8. Duplicating a Photo
          9. Putting Photos in Order
          10. Duplicating an Album
          11. Merging Albums
          12. Deleting an Album
        9. Smart Albums
        10. Keywords
          1. Editing Keywords
          2. Assigning Keywords
          3. The Checkmark “Keyword”
          4. Searching by Keyword
        11. Customizing the Shoebox
          1. Changing the View
          2. Showing/Hiding Keywords, Titles, and Film Roll Info
      3. 8. Editing Your Shots
          1. Using the Editing Tools
        1. One-Click Fixups: The Enhance Button
          1. Using the Enhance Button
        2. Cropping
          1. How to Crop a Photo
        3. Painting Out Freckles, Scratches, and Hairs
          1. Using the Retouch Brush
        4. Brightness/Contrast
          1. The Sliders
        5. Red-Eye
        6. B & W, Sepia
        7. Rotate
        8. Customizing the Toolbar
        9. Beyond iPhoto
          1. Opening Photos in Other Programs
            1. Setting up an external editing program
            2. Freedom of choice
        10. Reverting to the Original
      4. 9. The iPhoto Slideshow
        1. About Slideshows
          1. The One-Click Slideshow
        2. Setting Up the Show
          1. Choose Your Photos
            1. Not all pictures are good pictures
            2. Determining the size of your photos
            3. Putting photos in the right order
          2. Slideshow Settings
            1. Transitions
            2. Slide timing
            3. Present slides in random order
            4. Repeat slideshow
            5. Scale photos to fill screen
            6. Display titles
            7. Display slideshow controls
            8. Display my ratings
          3. iTunes: The Soundtrack Store
          4. Different Shows, Different Albums
        3. Running the Show
          1. Control Over the Show
        4. Slideshows and iDVD
      5. 10. Prints and Books
        1. Resolution and Shape
          1. Calculating resolution
          2. Aspect ratio
          3. Tweaking the Printer Settings
          4. Paper Matters
        2. Printing from iPhoto
          1. Standard-Sized Prints
          2. Greeting Cards
          3. Printing Full Page Photos
          4. Contact Sheets
            1. Contact Sheet printing options
          5. N-Up
            1. N-Up printing options
          6. Sampler Pages
            1. Positioning photos in Sampler templates
          7. The Preview Button
          8. Save As PDF
        3. Ordering Prints Online
        4. Publishing a Photo Book
          1. Phase 1: Pick the Pix
          2. Phase 2: Choose a Theme
          3. Phase 3: Design the Pages
            1. The Cover
            2. Pictures per Page
            3. Photo and Page Sequence
            4. Page Limits
            5. Hiding Page Numbers
            6. Phase 4: Edit the Titles and Captions
          4. Editing Text
            1. Hiding Text
            2. Formatting Text
            3. Check Your Spelling
          5. Phase 5: Preview the Masterpiece
            1. Preview It Onscreen
            2. Print It
            3. Turn It into a PDF File
          6. Phase 6: Send the Book to the Bindery
      6. 11. Photos Online—And On Your Network
        1. Emailing Photos
          1. The Mail Photo Command
        2. Publishing Photos on the Web
          1. Three Roads to Webdom
          2. Method 1: Use HomePage in iPhoto
            1. What you get when you’re done
            2. Editing the text of the Web page
            3. Editing the pictures on a Web page
          3. Method 2: Use .Mac
          4. Method 3: Export Web Pages
            1. Preparing the export
            2. Examining the results
            3. Enhancing iPhoto’s HTML
        3. The .Mac Slideshow
            1. Creating a .Mac slideshow
            2. Subscribing to a .Mac slideshow
        4. Photo Sharing on the Network
        5. The QuickTime Slideshow
          1. Step 1: Perfect the Slideshow
          2. Step 2: Choose the Movie Dimensions
            1. Proportion considerations
            2. Size considerations
            3. Managing Music
          3. Step 3: Seconds per Photo
          4. Step 4: Background Colors
          5. Step 5: Export the Movie
        6. Building a Custom Screen Saver
          1. Meet the Screen Saver
        7. One-Click Desktop Backdrop
      7. 12. iPhoto File Management
        1. About iPhoto Discs
          1. Burning an iPhoto CD or DVD
            1. What you get
          2. When Not to Burn
        2. iPhoto Backups
          1. Backing Up to CD or DVD
          2. Backing Up (No CD Burner)
        3. Managing Photo Libraries
          1. Multiple iPhoto Libraries
            1. Creating new libraries
            2. Swapping libraries
        4. Merging Photo Libraries
          1. How Not to Do It
          2. Method 1: Use iPhoto CDs as Intermediaries
          3. Method 2: Share the Library with Yourself
        5. Beyond iPhoto
        6. Exporting and Converting Pictures
          1. Exporting by Dragging
          2. Exporting by Dialog Box
            1. File format
            2. Named option
            3. Size options
    6. III. iMovie
      1. 13. Camcorder Meets Mac
        1. Meet Digital Video
        2. Connecting to FireWire
        3. Getting into iMovie
          1. Monitor Resolution
          2. The Create/Open Dialog Box
          3. Saving a New Project File
          4. iMovie Controls
        4. Importing Camcorder Footage
          1. The Monitor Window’s Video Quality
          2. Capturing Footage
            1. Automatic scene detection
            2. The maximum clip length
            3. The Free Space graph
        5. How iMovie Organizes Its Files
          1. The Project File
          2. The Media Folder
          3. The Reference Movie
          4. The Audio Waveforms Folder
          5. The Shared Movies Folder
          6. The Phantom “Save As” Command
          7. Sharing Clips Among Projects
          8. Switching Files
          9. The Phantom “Revert to Saved” Command
          10. Starting a New Project
        6. Importing Footage from Non-DV Tapes
          1. Approach 1: Use a Digital8 Camcorder
          2. Approach 2: Record onto Your DV Camcorder
          3. Approach 3: Use a Media Converter
          4. Approach 4: Use a Recent Sony Camcorder
      2. 14. Building the Movie Track
        1. Navigating Your Clips
          1. Select a Clip
          2. Select Several Clips
          3. Play a Clip
          4. Jump Around in a Clip
          5. Step Through a Clip
          6. Scan Through a Clip
          7. Rename a Clip
          8. Reorganize Your Clips
          9. Trash a Clip
        2. Shortening Clips by Dragging
        3. Three Ways to Trim a Clip
          1. Highlighting Footage
          2. Snipping Off One End of a Clip
          3. Cropping Out the Ends of a Clip
          4. Chopping Out the Middle of a Clip
        4. Splitting a Clip
        5. The Movie Track: Your Storyboard
          1. Readouts in the Movie Track
          2. Dragging to the Movie Track
          3. Dragging Several Clips Simultaneously
          4. Copying and Pasting Clips
          5. Playing Clips Backward
        6. Tricks of the Timeline Viewer
          1. Zooming
          2. Sliding for Blackness
          3. Colorizing a Black Clip
          4. Slow Motion, Fast Motion
        7. Playing the Movie Track
          1. Playing the Whole Movie
          2. Playing a Segment of the Movie
          3. While the Movie’s Playing
          4. Editing Clips in the Movie Track
        8. Full-Screen Playback Mode
      3. 15. Transitions and Special Effects
        1. About Transitions
        2. When to Use Transitions
        3. Creating a Transition
          1. Previewing the Effect
          2. Applying the Effect and Rendering
            1. When rendering is complete
          3. How Transitions Affect the Length of Your Movie
          4. How Transitions Chop Up Clips
          5. Editing the Transition
          6. Deleting a Transition
          7. Transition Error Messages
            1. When you delete a clip
            2. When the transition is longer than the clip
            3. When you quit while rendering
            4. When you rejigger the clip
        4. Transitions: The iMovie Catalog
          1. Circle Closing
          2. Circle Opening
          3. Cross Dissolve
          4. Fade In
          5. Fade Out
          6. Overlap
          7. Push
          8. Radial
          9. Scale Down
          10. Warp In
          11. Warp Out
          12. Wash In, Wash Out
        5. The Effects Pane
          1. Selecting the Footage
          2. Surveying Your Options
          3. Removing an Effect
          4. Adjusting an Effect
          5. Superimposing Effects
        6. Effects: The iMovie Catalog
          1. Adjust Colors
          2. Aged Film
          3. Black & White
          4. Brightness & Contrast
          5. Earthquake
          6. Electricity
          7. Fairy Dust
          8. Flash
          9. Fog
          10. Ghost Trails
          11. Lens Flare
          12. Letterbox
          13. Mirror
          14. N-Square
          15. Rain
          16. Sepia Tone
          17. Sharpen
          18. Soft Focus
        7. Installing More Effects
      4. 16. Titles, Captions, and Credits
        1. Setting Up a Title
          1. Choose a Title Effect
          2. Type the Text
            1. Text blocks
            2. Title/Subtitle pairs
            3. Pair sequences
          3. Specify the Timing
          4. Preview the effect
          5. Choose a Font
          6. Specify the Size of the Lettering
          7. Choose an Animation Direction
          8. The “Over Black” Checkbox
        2. Choose a Color for the Lettering
          1. Add a Backdrop
        3. Inserting and Rendering a Title
          1. Dragging the Title into the Movie Track
          2. Rendering Begins
          3. How Titles Chop Up Your Clips
          4. Checking the Result
          5. Editing a Title
          6. Deleting a Title
        4. The iMovie Titles Catalog
          1. 3D Spin
          2. Bounce Across
          3. Bounce In to Center
          4. Cartwheel
          5. Centered
          6. Clip to Characters
            1. Animated Gradient
            2. Clip Image
            3. Clip Video
            4. Starburst
          7. Converge
          8. Cross Through
          9. Drifting
          10. Far, Far Away
          11. Flying
          12. Gravity, Gravity Multiple
          13. Music Video
          14. Scrolling
            1. Rolling Credits, Rolling Centered Credits
            2. Scroll with Pause
            3. Scrolling Block
          15. Spinner
          16. Spread
          17. Stripe Subtitle
          18. Subtitle
          19. Twirl
          20. Typing
          21. Unscramble
          22. Wipe
          23. Zoom
      5. 17. Narration, Music, and Sound
        1. The Two iMovie Soundtracks
        2. Audio Clips
          1. Renaming Sound Clips (or Not)
          2. Listening to a Sound Clip
        3. Recording Narration
          1. Making the Recording
        4. Importing iTunes Music
        5. CD Music
        6. Sound Effects
          1. Adding or Removing Sound Effects
        7. Editing Audio Clips
          1. Making Whole-Clip Volume Adjustments
          2. Volume Adjustments Within a Clip
          3. Volume “Rubber Bands”
          4. Adjusting Many Clips at Once
          5. Locking Audio Clips to Video
          6. Cropping an Audio Clip
          7. Splitting an Audio Clip
          8. Moving an Audio Clip
          9. Superimposing Audio Clips
          10. Scrubbing Audio Clips
        8. Overlaying Video over Sound
          1. The “Extract Audio in Paste Over” Checkbox
          2. Performing the Overlay
        9. Extracting Audio from Video
      6. 18. Still Pictures and QuickTime Movies
        1. Importing Still Images
          1. Snagging Pictures from iPhoto
            1. Phase 1: Specify the duration
            2. Phase 2: Specify the Ken Burns effect
            3. Phase 3: Insert the photo
          2. Importing Photos from the Hard Drive
          3. Working with Photos
          4. The Dimensions of an iMovie Graphic
          5. Creating a Graphic from Scratch
        2. The Ken Burns Effect
          1. Applying the Ken Burns Effect
          2. Editing a Ken Burns Effect
          3. Turning Off the Ken Burns Effect
        3. Creating Still Images from Footage
          1. Creating a Still Frame
          2. Exporting a Still Frame
        4. Importing QuickTime Movies
          1. Using the Imported QuickTime Clip
        5. Grabbing Clips from Other Projects
      7. 19. Finding Your Audience
        1. Exporting to Tape
          1. To Watch It on TV
          2. To Transfer It to Your VCR
          3. To Offload Footage from Your Mac
          4. Making the Transfer
        2. Exporting to a QuickTime Movie
          1. Understanding QuickTime
          2. About Codecs
          3. The Share Presets: What They Mean
            1. Email
            2. Web
            3. Web Streaming
            4. CD-ROM
            5. Full Quality DV
          4. The Expert Settings
            1. The Settings button
            2. The Filter button
            3. The Size button
            4. Audio Settings
        3. Posting Movies on the Web
          1. Posting to Your .Mac Account
          2. Posting a Movie on Your Own Web Site
            1. Setting up streaming playback
            2. Playing your movie
            3. HTML coding
        4. Movies on Your Phone
    7. IV. iDVD
      1. 20. From iMovie to iDVD
        1. Why iDVD?
        2. What You’re in For
        3. Phase 1: Insert Chapter Markers
          1. Removing Chapters
          2. Changing Chapter Names
          3. Chapter Marker Pointers
        4. Phase 2: Hand Off to iDVD
        5. Phase 3: Design the Menu Screens
          1. All about Themes
          2. Choosing a Theme
          3. Editing Menus
          4. Editing Titles and Buttons
          5. Moving Buttons Around
          6. Reordering Buttons
          7. Removing Buttons
          8. Setting Button Images
            1. Moving previews
            2. A still frame from the movie
            3. Drop a Picture or Movie
          9. Drop Zones
          10. Redesigning the Theme
        6. Phase 4: Burning Your DVD
          1. Previewing Your Project
          2. Maximum DVD Playback Time
          3. Burning Your Project
      2. 21. iDVD Slideshows
        1. The iDVD Slideshow
          1. Creating an iDVD Slideshow
            1. Starting in iPhoto
            2. Starting in iDVD
          2. Customizing the Show
            1. Previewing the DVD
        2. Extra Credit: Self-Playing Slideshows
      3. 22. Advanced iDVD
        1. Designing Your Own Themes
          1. The Themes Pane
          2. Button Styles
          3. Text Buttons
        2. Editing and Positioning Text
        3. Changing Backgrounds
          1. Background Still Images
            1. Adding a background image 1: Preserving drop zones
            2. Adding a background image 2: Overwriting drop zones
            3. Replacing background images
            4. Removing background images
          2. Adding and Changing Background Video
            1. Background video selection
            2. Adding background video 1: Preserving drop zones
            3. Adding background video 2: Overriding drop zones
            4. Removing background video
        4. Choosing Menu Audio
          1. Replacing Menu Audio
          2. Removing Menu Audio
          3. Muting Menu Audio
        5. Saving Favorites
        6. Buying Sound and Vision
          1. Store-Bought Themes
          2. Motion Backgrounds
          3. Stock Art
          4. Third-Party Buttons
          5. Audio
        7. iDVD—The DVD-ROM Maker
          1. Adding Files to DVD-ROM
          2. Organizing DVD-ROM Contents
        8. Archiving Your Project
            1. Copying the archive to a different Mac
        9. Duplicating a DVD
          1. Phase 1: Create a Disk Image
          2. Phase 2: Burn a DVD from a Disk Image
        10. Professional Duplicating
    8. V. GarageBand
      1. 23. Setting Up the Garage
          1. The Two GarageBand Challenges
        1. Opening GarageBand
        2. Playback
        3. Cycling (Looping)
        4. Navigating the Music
        5. Two Kinds of Music
          1. Digital Recordings
          2. MIDI Recordings
          3. Why It Matters
        6. Tracks
          1. Creating a Track
          2. Rearranging Tracks
          3. Deleting a Track
          4. Renaming a Track
          5. Track Characteristics
        7. Muting and Soloing Tracks
      2. 24. Loops
        1. Starting a New GarageBand Project
        2. The Loop Browser
          1. Loop Quest 1: Button View
          2. Loop Quest 2: Column View
          3. Loop Quest 3: The Search Box
        3. Placing a Loop
          1. Drag into a Blank Gray Area
          2. Drag into an Existing Track
          3. All Together Now
        4. More Loops
          1. The GarageBand Jam Pack
          2. Soundtrack
          3. Apple Loops from Other Companies
          4. How to Install New Loops
          5. Removing Loops and Rebuilding the Index
        5. “Save as Archive”
      3. 25. Regions
        1. Selecting Regions
        2. Renaming Regions
        3. Dragging Regions
        4. The Grid
        5. Looping Regions
        6. Shortening Regions I
        7. Shortening Regions II
        8. Lengthening Regions
        9. Splitting Regions
        10. Joining Regions
        11. Copy and Paste
        12. Option-Drag
        13. Delete
        14. The Time Display
      4. 26. Software Instruments (MIDI)
        1. How to Feed a Hungry GarageBand
        2. Your FREE! Onscreen Digital Piano
        3. The Mac Keyboard as Piano
        4. MIDI Synths and Controllers
        5. Recording a MIDI Track
        6. Retakes
        7. Spot Recording (Punch In/Punch Out)
        8. Cumulative Recording
        9. Mod Wheels and Other MIDI Fun
        10. Editing Software Instrument Parts
          1. The Track Editor
          2. The Encyclopedia of MIDI Editing
          3. Transposing Notes or Regions
        11. Quantizing (Fix Timing)
          1. When Not to Quantize
          2. How to Quantize
        12. Velocity, Pedaling, and Other MIDI Data
          1. Editing Key Velocity
          2. Editing Pedaling
            1. Pedaling step by step
            2. Editing existing pedaling
          3. Control Wheel Data
      5. 27. Real Instruments (Live Audio)
        1. The Setup
          1. The Microphone
          2. Line Inputs
          3. Introducing the Mac
        2. Recording a Live Audio Track
          1. Phase 1: Create the Track
          2. Phase 2: Prepare the Studio
          3. Multiple Takes
          4. Punching In and Out
        3. Editing Real Instrument Regions
      6. 28. Effects, Guitar Amps, and Instrument Modules
        1. Instrument-Named Presets
        2. Save Instrument, Delete Instrument
        3. Effect Modules
          1. Generator (Software Instruments Only)
            1. Familiar instrument names
            2. Synthesizer generators
          2. Gate (Real Instruments Only)
          3. Compressor
          4. Equalizer
          5. “Additional Effects” Pop-Up Menus
            1. Presets within presets
            2. Treble Reduction, Bass Reduction
            3. Distortion
            4. Overdrive
            5. Bitcrusher
            6. Automatic Filter
            7. Chorus
            8. Flanger
            9. Phaser
            10. Tremolo
            11. Auto Wah
            12. Amp Simulation
          6. Echo, Reverb
      7. 29. Mixing and Publishing
        1. Mixing Tracks
          1. Overall Track Volume
          2. Volume Adjustments Within a Track
          3. Pan Position
        2. The Master Track
        3. Publishing the Song
    9. VI. Troubleshooting
      1. 30. Troubleshooting iTunes
        1. Rule 1: Get the Latest
        2. Rule 2: Back Up Your Library
          1. Backing Up to a Hard Drive or Another Mac
          2. Backing Up to CD or DVD
        3. Store-Bought Songs Won’t Play
        4. Playback Problems
          1. The Music Is Too Quiet
          2. The Songs Overlap Each Other
      2. 31. Troubleshooting iPhoto
        1. Importing
            1. iPhoto doesn’t recognize my camera.
            2. iPhoto crashes when I try to import.
            3. What if I don’t want iPhoto to import all the pictures from my camera?
        2. Printing
            1. I can’t print more than one photo per page.
        3. Editing
            1. iPhoto crashes when I double-click a thumbnail to edit it.
            2. iPhoto won’t let me use an external graphics program when I double-click a thumbnail.
            3. My picture doesn’t fit right on standard photo paper.
            4. I’ve messed up a photo while editing it, and now it’s ruined!
        4. General Questions
            1. iPhoto’s wigging out.
            2. Man, this program’s slow!
            3. When I try to choose a soundtrack for a slide show, my iTunes music collection doesn’t show up!
            4. I can’t delete a photo!
            5. My QuickTime slideshows don’t show the right transitions between slides.
            6. When I edit a photo, it appears blocky, and takes a minute to become sharp.
            7. I’ve got the opposite problem. The photo appears sharp, and then gets blurry after a moment.
            8. I get an error message when I try to share my albums on a network.
            9. iPhoto freezes up when rebuilding thumbnails.
            10. iPhoto is doing something bizarre.
      3. 32. Troubleshooting iMovie & iDVD
        1. Three Golden Rules
        2. General iMovie Troubleshooting
          1. Weird Inconsistent Problems
          2. Keeping Your Hard Disk Happy
        3. Starting Up and Importing
          1. “Stray Clip Files” Message
          2. “Camera not connected”
          3. Dropouts in the Video
        4. Title Trouble
          1. Jagged, Crummy-Looking Titles
          2. Half Volume During Titles
          3. Chopped-off Type on Playback from Tape
        5. Photo Problems
          1. Can’t Change the Duration of a Still Photo
          2. Photo Corruption
          3. Photos Look Jaggy and Awful on DVD
            1. The Ken Burns Method
            2. The Drag-from-Finder Method
        6. Exporting Troubles
          1. Video and Audio Aren’t In Sync
        7. Project Corruption
          1. Editing the Project File to Rescue It
          2. Finding a Flawed Clip Reference
          3. Repairing a Flawed Clip Reference
          4. Using the .mov File to Recover the Project
          5. Project File Backups
          6. Using the Camera for Backups
          7. “Project could not be opened”
        8. Problems with Sound
          1. Sound Is Too Soft
          2. Random Beeps or Pops
          3. Pops or Silence Resulting from a Transition or Title
        9. Relinking Missing iDVD Files
      4. 33. Troubleshooting GarbageBand
        1. The Speed Problem
          1. Set the Stage
          2. Mute Some Tracks
          3. Combine Tracks
          4. Temporarily Squelch the Effects
          5. Enlarge Your Buffer
          6. Lose Some Software Instrument Voices
          7. Reduce the Track Overhead
          8. Convert Software Instrument Loops
          9. Convert Software Instrument Recordings
          10. “Bounce Down” Many Tracks into One
          11. Install More Memory
        2. Trouble with Loops
          1. Your Loop Browser Is Empty
          2. New Add-On Loops Don’t Show Up
        3. Recording and Editing Problems
          1. There’s a Delay When Playing Live
          2. No Sound from a Microphone or Real Instrument
          3. No Sound from a MIDI Instrument
            1. The status light doesn’t flicker when you play
            2. The status light flickers when you play
          4. Transposing Created Cacophonous Chaos
          5. No Sound from External Speakers (or Audio Interface)
        4. Mixing and Publishing Glitches
          1. Finished Song Is Too Quiet
          2. Tracks Panned to One Side Still Play in Both Speakers
          3. Exported Song Won’t Appear in iTunes
    10. Index
    11. Colophon

Product information

  • Title: iLife '04: The Missing Manual
  • Author(s): David Pogue
  • Release date: September 2004
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9780596006945