iLife® '09 Portable Genius

Book description

Mac users are passionate and loyal and these books capture that same feeling in pedagogy and series style. Titles in the Portable Genius series are not comprehensive; instead they aim to provide readers with the most accessible, useful information possible by giving readers tips and techniques for the most used features in a product or software. A handy smaller trim size makes it easy for readers to carry with them essential information on the hottest tips and tricks for their Mac. They'll find essential information coupled with savvy advice on everything from simple tasks like getting started, to intermediate information, and hip tips that cover how to use all the applications in iLife. As many iLife users initially find iMovie, GarageBand, and iWeb somewhat daunting, this book offers fast-moving coverage of the essentials of these applications as well as more advanced features.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Author
  3. Credits
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. Introduction
  6. 1. How Can I Best Enjoy Music and Videos in iTunes?
    1. 1.1. Getting High-Quality Audio on iTunes and an iPod
      1. 1.1.1. Setting iTunes to deliver high audio quality
        1. Setting iTunes to create high-quality audio files from CD
        2. Choosing essential playback settings in iTunes
        3. Applying an equalization to the music you're playing
        4. Applying an equalization to a particular song
      2. 1.1.2. Choosing suitable iPod settings
        1. Turning off Sound Check on the iPod or iPhone
        2. Applying equalizations on the iPod or iPhone
    2. 1.2. Building a Powerful, Easy-to-Use Library
      1. 1.2.1. Choosing where to store your library
      2. 1.2.2. Getting all your media files in the same folder
      3. 1.2.3. Tagging songs after adding them to your library
      4. 1.2.4. Understanding the less obvious tags
      5. 1.2.5. Trimming off unwanted parts of songs
      6. 1.2.6. Separating your music with multiple iTunes libraries
        1. Creating a new iTunes library
        2. Selecting the library you want to load
    3. 1.3. Enjoying Music and Visualizations with iTunes
    4. 1.4. Sharing Music
      1. 1.4.1. Sharing music on the network
        1. Setting iTunes to share music and look for shared music
        2. Changing the selection of playlists you're sharing
        3. Playing songs that other iTunes users are sharing
      2. 1.4.2. Sharing an iMix playlist on the iTunes Store
      3. 1.4.3. Playing music through AirTunes
    5. 1.5. Making Videos That Work with iTunes
      1. 1.5.1. Creating videos from iMovie
      2. 1.5.2. Creating videos from DVDs
    6. 1.6. Making the Most of Playlists
      1. 1.6.1. Creating unchanging playlists
      2. 1.6.2. Creating Smart playlists
      3. 1.6.3. Creating Genius playlists
    7. 1.7. Burning Discs and Backing Up Your Library
      1. 1.7.1. Burning a playlist to CD
      2. 1.7.2. Burning a playlist to DVD for backup or file transfer
      3. 1.7.3. Restoring your music library from backup
    8. 1.8. Using Your iPod to Carry Files
  7. 2. How Do I Get My Photos into iPhoto?
    1. 2.1. Navigating the iPhoto Interface
    2. 2.2. Setting iPhoto's Preferences So You Can Work Quickly
      1. 2.2.1. Choosing General preferences
      2. 2.2.2. Choosing Appearance preferences
      3. 2.2.3. Choosing Events preferences
      4. 2.2.4. Choosing Sharing preferences
      5. 2.2.5. Choosing Web preferences
      6. 2.2.6. Choosing Advanced preferences
      7. 2.2.7. Customizing the toolbar
    3. 2.3. Importing Photos
      1. 2.3.1. Importing photos from your digital camera
        1. Dealing with duplicate imported photos
        2. Ejecting the camera's volume
      2. 2.3.2. Importing photos with the Import command
      3. 2.3.3. Importing photos from the Finder or e-mail
    4. 2.4. Scanning Photos Using Image Capture
    5. 2.5. Sharing a Scanner or Camera Using Image Capture
  8. 3. How Do I Organize, Edit, and Share My Photos?
    1. 3.1. Organizing Your Photos
      1. 3.1.1. Working with Events
        1. Understanding what an Event is
        2. Viewing an Event's photos
        3. Renaming an Event
        4. Setting the key photo for an Event
        5. Moving photos from one Event to another
        6. Merging two Events together
        7. Splitting an Event in two
      2. 3.1.2. Organizing photos with the Faces feature
        1. Teach iPhoto the name that matches a face
        2. Confirm the faces iPhoto has found
        3. Managing Faces
      3. 3.1.3. Organizing photos by Places
        1. Adding a location manually
        2. Viewing photos by place
      4. 3.1.4. Organizing photos into albums
        1. Creating a standard album
        2. Creating a Smart Album
        3. Deleting an album
        4. Renaming and duplicating albums
        5. Arranging your albums in order
        6. Arranging your albums into folders
      5. 3.1.5. Adding keywords, titles, descriptions, and ratings
        1. Viewing the extended information for a photo
        2. Adding titles, descriptions, and ratings to your photos
        3. Changing the date and time of a photo
        4. Making batch changes to photos
        5. Creating your Quick Group list of keywords
        6. Adding keywords to your photos
      6. 3.1.6. Searching for photos via dates, keywords, or ratings
    2. 3.2. Editing and Improving Your Photos
      1. 3.2.1. Opening a photo for editing
      2. 3.2.2. Zooming in on the photo
      3. 3.2.3. Rotating and straightening a photo
      4. 3.2.4. Cropping a photo
      5. 3.2.5. Adjusting the colors in a photo
      6. 3.2.6. Applying effects to photos
      7. 3.2.7. Retouching a photo
      8. 3.2.8. Removing red-eye from a photo
      9. 3.2.9. Reverting to the original photo
    3. 3.3. Keeping Multiple iPhoto Libraries
      1. 3.3.1. Creating a new iPhoto library
      2. 3.3.2. Selecting the library you want to load
    4. 3.4. Creating Powerful Slideshows
      1. 3.4.1. Running a quick slideshow
      2. 3.4.2. Creating and saving a slideshow
    5. 3.5. Sharing Your Photos with Others
      1. 3.5.1. Sharing your photos with other iPhoto users
      2. 3.5.2. Viewing and copying other people's shared photos
      3. 3.5.3. Exporting your photos to your MobileMe Gallery
        1. Adding photos to a Gallery from an iPhone or iPod touch
        2. Adding photos to a gallery from your Web browser
      4. 3.5.4. Sharing your photos on Facebook
      5. 3.5.5. Sharing your photos on Flickr
      6. 3.5.6. Exporting your photos to a local Web site
      7. 3.5.7. Exporting your photos for use in other applications
      8. 3.5.8. Sharing your photos via video chat
      9. 3.5.9. Getting high-quality prints of your photos
    6. 3.6. Using Your Photos Within Mac OS X
      1. 3.6.1. Put a sequence of photos on your desktop
      2. 3.6.2. Making screen savers from your photos
      3. 3.6.3. Creating an account icon from a photo
      4. 3.6.4. Displaying a photo as the background in a Finder window
  9. 4. How Do I Import Video into iMovie?
    1. 4.1. Navigating the iMovie Interface
    2. 4.2. Choosing Preferences to Make iMovie Work Your Way
      1. 4.2.1. Choosing general preferences
      2. 4.2.2. Choosing Event browser preferences
      3. 4.2.3. Choosing video settings
      4. 4.2.4. Choosing fonts settings
    3. 4.3. Starting a Movie Project
      1. 4.3.1. Renaming a movie project
      2. 4.3.2. Setting properties for a movie project
    4. 4.4. Importing Video
      1. 4.4.1. Importing video from a DV tape camcorder
        1. Importing all the video on the tape automatically
        2. Importing video from your DV camcorder manually
      2. 4.4.2. Importing video from a DV tapeless camcorder
      3. 4.4.3. Importing video from a digital camera
      4. 4.4.4. Importing existing video files
        1. Importing an iMovie HD project
      5. 4.4.5. Recording live video from an iSight or a camcorder
    5. 4.5. Reviewing and Sorting Your Video Clips
      1. 4.5.1. Navigating through your Events
        1. Changing the Event Library's sort order
        2. Viewing Events by month or day
        3. Viewing Events and folders by drives
        4. Viewing the clips in an Event
        5. Skimming through a clip
        6. Switching the Event and Project areas
      2. 4.5.2. Selecting the footage to keep
      3. 4.5.3. Marking your video clips as favorites or rejects
      4. 4.5.4. Adding keywords to video clips
      5. 4.5.5. Filtering your clips by keywords
      6. 4.5.6. Organizing clips into Events
        1. Moving a clip from one Event to another
        2. Splitting an Event into two Events
        3. Merging two Events into one
  10. 5. How Do I Turn My Content into a Movie?
    1. 5.1. How Editing Affects Your Clips
    2. 5.2. Arranging the Clips on the Storyboard
      1. 5.2.1. Adding a clip to the end of the Storyboard
      2. 5.2.2. Adding a clip elsewhere in the Storyboard
      3. 5.2.3. Adding multiple clips to the Storyboard
        1. Adding clips quickly with the Edit tool
      4. 5.2.4. Playing back video on the Storyboard
        1. Playing back everything on the Storyboard
        2. Playing back from a particular point
        3. Playing back just a short section
      5. 5.2.5. Moving a clip to a different point
    3. 5.3. Editing Your Clips
      1. 5.3.1. Preparing to edit a clip
      2. 5.3.2. Adjusting the length of a clip
        1. Trimming off the beginning or end of a clip
        2. Trimming a clip to only the part you want
        3. Adjusting a clip with the Clip Trimmer
        4. Making a short adjustment with the Fine Tuning buttons
      3. 5.3.3. Splitting a clip into two or three pieces
      4. 5.3.4. Cropping a video
      5. 5.3.5. Adjusting color
      6. 5.3.6. Rotating video
      7. 5.3.7. Restoring a clip to how it was before
      8. 5.3.8. Deleting your rejected footage
      9. 5.3.9. Reclaiming disk space with Space Saver
      10. 5.3.10. Finding out where a clip lives
    4. 5.4. Adding Still Photos to a Movie
      1. 5.4.1. Preparing your photos for use in iMovie
      2. 5.4.2. Bringing a photo into iMovie
      3. 5.4.3. Setting the duration for a photo
      4. 5.4.4. Setting cropping and Ken Burns Effect
      5. 5.4.5. Exporting a still picture from a video clip
  11. 6. How Do I Finish My Movie and Share It?
    1. 6.1. Applying a Theme to a Movie
    2. 6.2. Adding Titles to a Movie
      1. 6.2.1. Applying the title
        1. Applying a title on its own
        2. Superimposing a title on a clip
        3. Applying theme titles
      2. 6.2.2. Adding the text to the title
      3. 6.2.3. Changing the duration and timing of the title
    3. 6.3. Adding Transitions to a Movie
      1. 6.3.1. Choosing a suitable transition to apply to a clip
      2. 6.3.2. Applying a transition between clips
      3. 6.3.3. Changing the transition duration
      4. 6.3.4. Adjusting the transition with the Precision Editor
    4. 6.4. Adding Audio to a Movie
      1. 6.4.1. Understanding how iMovie handles audio
      2. 6.4.2. Adding music and sound effects to a movie
      3. 6.4.3. Changing when the music starts
      4. 6.4.4. Trimming a song or sound effect
      5. 6.4.5. Adding a voiceover
      6. 6.4.6. Adjusting audio volume and fading
    5. 6.5. Sharing and Exporting a Movie
      1. 6.5.1. Understanding the essentials of sharing
        1. Seeing where you exported a movie
        2. Updating a movie you already published
      2. 6.5.2. Publishing a movie to iTunes, iPod, or Apple TV
      3. 6.5.3. Publishing a movie to YouTube
      4. 6.5.4. Publishing a movie to your MobileMe Gallery
      5. 6.5.5. Putting a movie on a DVD
      6. 6.5.6. Exporting a movie quickly to an MPEG-4 file
      7. 6.5.7. Exporting to another file format
      8. 6.5.8. Exporting to a Final Cut XML file
      9. 6.5.9. Exporting a movie to your camcorder
  12. 7. How Do I Set Up a Virtual Studio in GarageBand?
    1. 7.1. Understanding What You Can Do with GarageBand
    2. 7.2. Creating and Saving a Song Project
    3. 7.3. Getting Up To Speed with the GarageBand Interface
      1. 7.3.1. Using the onscreen keyboard and Musical Typing
        1. Using the onscreen keyboard
        2. Using Musical Typing
      2. 7.3.2. Meeting the loop browser
      3. 7.3.3. Meeting the Track Editor
      4. 7.3.4. Meeting the Track Info pane
    4. 7.4. Connecting Your Audio Instruments
      1. 7.4.1. Connecting a MIDI keyboard
      2. 7.4.2. Connecting a microphone
      3. 7.4.3. Connecting an audio interface
    5. 7.5. Setting Preferences to Suit the Way You Work
      1. 7.5.1. Setting General preferences
      2. 7.5.2. Setting Audio/MIDI preferences
      3. 7.5.3. Setting Loops preferences
      4. 7.5.4. Setting Advanced preferences
      5. 7.5.5. Setting My Info preferences
    6. 7.6. Kick-Starting a Song with Magic GarageBand
    7. 7.7. Using the Learn to Play Feature and the Lesson Store
  13. 8. How Do I Record a Song in GarageBand?
    1. 8.1. Creating a New Track
      1. 8.1.1. Beginning to add a track
      2. 8.1.2. Setting up a Software Instrument track
      3. 8.1.3. Setting up a Real Instrument track
      4. 8.1.4. Setting up an Electric Guitar track
    2. 8.2. Browsing and Auditioning Loops
      1. 8.2.1. Choosing a view and finding loops
      2. 8.2.2. Auditioning a loop by itself
      3. 8.2.3. Adding a loop to your song
      4. 8.2.4. Playing back the song
      5. 8.2.5. Repeating, shortening, and extending regions
      6. 8.2.6. Joining two or more regions into a single region
      7. 8.2.7. Splitting a region in two
      8. 8.2.8. Auditioning a loop with your song
      9. 8.2.9. Auditioning multiple loops with the cycle region
      10. 8.2.10. Switching to another loop in the same family
      11. 8.2.11. Filtering loops
      12. 8.2.12. Adding loops to your collection
      13. 8.2.13. Creating your own loops
    3. 8.3. Working with the Arrange Track
      1. 8.3.1. Setting up arrange regions
      2. 8.3.2. Moving and copying arrange regions
      3. 8.3.3. Joining and splitting arrange regions
    4. 8.4. Changing the Song's Tempo, Signature, and Key
    5. 8.5. Recording Software Instruments and Real Instruments
      1. 8.5.1. Preparing to record a Software Instrument
      2. 8.5.2. Preparing to record a Real Instrument or Electric Guitar
      3. 8.5.3. Recording in a single take
      4. 8.5.4. Recording multiple takes with cycle recording
      5. 8.5.5. Creating a layered part with cycle recording
      6. 8.5.6. Dealing with feedback on Real Instruments
    6. 8.6. Creating Custom Software Instruments
  14. 9. How Can I Make My Song Sound Great and Then Share It?
    1. 9.1. Editing a Song
      1. 9.1.1. Muting and soloing tracks
      2. 9.1.2. Editing Software Instrument tracks
        1. Opening a region for editing in the Track Editor
        2. Editing individual notes in Piano Roll view
        3. Editing individual notes in Score view
        4. Changing the timing for a track
        5. Changing the modulation, pitchbend, sustain, expression, or foot control
      3. 9.1.3. Editing Real Instrument tracks
        1. Selecting the audio you want to edit
        2. Changing the tuning for a track
        3. Changing the timing for a track
        4. Editing an audio file outside GarageBand
      4. 9.1.4. Locking a track
    2. 9.2. Mixing a Song
      1. 9.2.1. Adjusting the volume of individual tracks
      2. 9.2.2. Controlling panning
      3. 9.2.3. Adding automation parameters to a track
        1. Adding an automation parameter
        2. Removing an automation parameter
      4. 9.2.4. Setting up the master track
        1. Deciding how to arrange the master track
        2. Displaying the master track
        3. Setting track info for the master track
        4. Creating a volume curve for the master track
        5. Changing the tempo during the song
        6. Changing the master pitch of the song
        7. Adding automation to the master track
    3. 9.3. Sharing a Song
      1. 9.3.1. Exporting a song to iTunes
      2. 9.3.2. Tagging a song
      3. 9.3.3. Using a song in other iLife applications
  15. 10. How Do I Build a Web Site with iWeb?
    1. 10.1. Getting Started with the iWeb Interface
      1. 10.1.1. Launching iWeb and choosing a template
      2. 10.1.2. Meeting the iWeb interface
      3. 10.1.3. Understanding the four regions of the Web page canvas
    2. 10.2. Setting Preferences to Suit the Way You Work
    3. 10.3. Planning Your Web Site
      1. 10.3.1. Choosing where to host your Web site
    4. 10.4. Creating Web Pages
      1. 10.4.1. Choosing a template
      2. 10.4.2. Adding text
      3. 10.4.3. Resizing and repositioning placeholders
      4. 10.4.4. Replacing the placeholder images
      5. 10.4.5. Adding your own text boxes and images
      6. 10.4.6. Making text look the way you want
      7. 10.4.7. Adding shapes to your Web pages
      8. 10.4.8. Adding hyperlinks to your Web pages
        1. Adding hyperlinks manually from text or images
        2. Formatting your hyperlinks
      9. 10.4.9. Making an image's colors match your Web page
      10. 10.4.10. Creating an Email Me button on a Web page
      11. 10.4.11. Adding a hit counter to a Web page
      12. 10.4.12. Renaming your Web site and Web pages
      13. 10.4.13. Rearranging your Web pages
    5. 10.5. Adding Photos and Albums from iPhoto
      1. 10.5.1. Working with photo pages
      2. 10.5.2. Creating an overview page of your photos
    6. 10.6. Putting Web Widgets on Your Web Pages
      1. 10.6.1. Adding a YouTube video to a Web page
      2. 10.6.2. Inserting a Google Map into a Web page
      3. 10.6.3. Inserting AdSense ads
      4. 10.6.4. Inserting an iSight photo
      5. 10.6.5. Inserting an iSight movie
      6. 10.6.6. Inserting a Countdown widget
      7. 10.6.7. Inserting an RSS feed
      8. 10.6.8. Inserting an HTML snippet
    7. 10.7. Previewing Your Web Site
      1. 10.7.1. Making your Web site's hyperlinks active
      2. 10.7.2. Publishing your Web site to a folder
    8. 10.8. Publishing Your Web Site to the Web
      1. 10.8.1. Publishing your Web site to MobileMe
        1. Viewing your Web site
        2. Announcing your Web site or your new pages
        3. Deleting a Web page from iWeb and from MobileMe
        4. Protecting your site with a password
      2. 10.8.2. Publishing your Web site to a different online service
      3. 10.8.3. Updating your Facebook profile each time you publish your Web site
  16. 11. How Do I Publish Blogs and Podcasts with iWeb?
    1. 11.1. Publishing a Blog
      1. 11.1.1. Adding a blog to your iWeb site
      2. 11.1.2. Understanding the Blog, Entries, and Archive items
      3. 11.1.3. Creating a blog entry
      4. 11.1.4. Setting up the main page for the blog
        1. Changing the layout of your blog template
        2. Adding multimedia to a blog entry
      5. 11.1.5. Publishing your blog
      6. 11.1.6. Managing visitor comments
        1. Reviewing and removing comments and attachments
        2. Deleting comments from your blog using a browser
    2. 11.2. Creating Podcasts
      1. 11.2.1. Add a podcast to iWeb
      2. 11.2.2. Creating a podcast from GarageBand
        1. Start creating a podcast
        2. Adding audio to the podcast
        3. Replacing the Podcast Track with a Movie Track
        4. Adding episode artwork
        5. Adding markers to a podcast episode
        6. Adding sounds or jingles
        7. Ducking backing tracks to keep narration audible
        8. Adding episode information to the podcast episode
        9. Sending the podcast to iWeb
      3. 11.2.3. Publishing the podcast from iWeb
        1. Finalizing the podcast's Web page
        2. Setting series and episode information
        3. Publishing the podcast
  17. 12. How Do I Design, Build, and Burn DVDs in iDVD?
    1. 12.1. Understanding the Process of Creating a DVD
    2. 12.2. Starting a DVD Project
      1. 12.2.1. Choosing which kind of DVD to create
      2. 12.2.2. Creating a new project
      3. 12.2.3. Setting preferences to meet your needs
        1. Setting General preferences
        2. Setting Projects preferences
        3. Setting Slideshow preferences
        4. Setting Movies preferences
        5. Setting Advanced preferences
      4. 12.2.4. Navigating the iDVD interface
      5. 12.2.5. Applying a theme
    3. 12.3. Adding Content to the DVD Project
      1. 12.3.1. Adding a movie
        1. Adding chapter markers to a movie
        2. Creating a scene selection menu
      2. 12.3.2. Adding a slideshow
    4. 12.4. Customizing the Menu Screen for the DVD
      1. 12.4.1. Finding out how many drop zones a menu screen has
      2. 12.4.2. Adding a movie to a drop zone
      3. 12.4.3. Adding photos to a drop zone
      4. 12.4.4. Change a menu's background and audio
    5. 12.5. Checking Your Project's Status and DVD Space
    6. 12.6. Using Map View to Inspect Your DVD
    7. 12.7. Burning the DVD
    8. 12.8. Creating a OneStep DVD
    9. 12.9. Jump-Starting a DVD with Magic iDVD

Product information

  • Title: iLife® '09 Portable Genius
  • Author(s): Guy Hart-Davis
  • Release date: March 2009
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9780470417324