Chapter 11. How Do I Publish Blogs and Podcasts with iWeb?
Do you have information to share with people frequently? If so, you can go beyond the limits of standard Web pages by publishing your own blog or podcasts on your Web site. A blog is a great way of distributing text-based information quickly, but you can also include photos, audio, or movies as needed. A podcast lets you quickly distribute either audio-based content or video-based content to listeners or viewers worldwide. Visitors can either browse or subscribe to your blog entries and podcasts on your Web site so that they automatically receive news of new entries and podcasts.
Publishing a Blog
Creating Podcasts
Publishing a Blog
A blog (short for Web log) is a journal that you keep on a Web site. A blog is a great way to communicate with your family and friends — or, in a business setting, with your colleagues and customers.
iWeb makes it easy to set up a blog, make it look good, and keep it updated with attractive content. When you add a new entry to a blog, it automatically appears at the top of the blog, so that visitors see it first. Below it appear other recent entries, and older blog posts appear on archive pages.
Adding a blog to your iWeb site
Here's how to add a blog to your iWeb site:
Click the Add Page button in the iWeb toolbar (or choose File
In the list box on the left, choose the theme you're using for your Web ...
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