352 Illustrated Theatre Production Guide 2 ed
But welding the fillets alone does not connect the
steel parts as securely as the face welds do. If you are
concerned about the structural integrity of what you are
building, it is best to weld all the seams together. If your
welding skills are good, you wont really need to grind
that many of them, especially not those that dont show
and dont affect the assembly of the parts.
If you are making a large number of multiples,
weld all the frames on one side first, and then stack
them with the unwelded side up. That makes it easy
to weld all of the reverse sides at one time. You can
attach the ground to the bottom frame, and it will not
need to be moved until the entire stack of frames has
been completed. Contact will be preserved through the
entire group.
The following concept of how to arrange steel square
tube supports for decking is based on using three stan-
dard 4×8 platforms that are joined together with casket
locks. The finished deck will be 2 feet tall. When design-
ing decking systems involving square tubing, it is best
to think of the platforms as a group, rather than as sepa-
rate pieces. The system is put together from five main
subassemblies that bolted together to form an overall
structure. Here is a drawing to use as an example:
The decking frames require an upright member
about every 4 feet when using
16-ga steel square
tube. That spacing is enough to hold the weight of the
decking and a reasonable amount of live load as well
(live load indicating movement, as with people). It
is critical to keep the upright members vertical. The

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