Chapter 8. Creating Straight and Curved Lines without the Pen Tool
In This Chapter
Discovering why the world loves to draw with the Pencil tool
Generating paths with the Pencil tool
Editing existing paths
Using the Pencil tool preferences settings
Smoothing out bumpy paths easily
Deciding when to use the Pen or Pencil tool
Using the Line Segment tool
Creating and editing an arc
Drawing amazing spirals
In the beginning, there was the Pen tool. And users said that the Pen tool was good. But the users also said that the Pen tool was too hard. And too frustrating. And inefficient for quickly creating paths. And the users griped. And behold! Adobe gave them the Pencil tool — the wondrous, magical Pencil tool that makes creating paths as easy as drawing with a, well, pencil. And there was great rejoicing. But Adobe wasn't content to stop there, blessing users with three other tools: the Line Segment, Arc, and Spiral tools.
In this chapter, you find out all about the Pencil tool and its buddies, theSmooth, Path Eraser, Line Segment, Arc, and Spiral tools. You discover how to create and modify paths as well as customize these tools to match your personal drawing style. And then you can join in the rejoicing!
Using the Pencil Tool as a Pencil
Minimal effort and hefty stress reduction
The whole idea behind ...
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